The new leadership of the Communist Party of China has been in office for more than half a year. Some media have recently noted that the frequency of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China seems to be less than before the 20th.

From the news released by Chinese official media, this is indeed the case.In the seven months after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China held in October last year, three months of officials have not released news about the Politburo Meeting, which are November last year, and January and May this year.Although at the end of January and at the end of May, members of the Politburo met in Zhongnanhai and participated in two collective learning, but the official media did not report that the political bureau had held a meeting before and after collective learning.

According to the Communist Party Constitution, the Politburo Meeting is called by the General Secretary of the Central Committee;

This also means that the CCP does not formally stipulate that the Politburo must hold a meeting every month.However, in the 10 years after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the official media will release the news of the Politburo meeting in most months, and sometimes there are two meetings a month.According to statistics from the US media Bloomberg recently, 10 years after the 18th National Congress of 2012, the Politburo of the Communist Party of China held a meeting in more than 90 % of the month.

As the Political Bureau of the CPC as the highest decision -making institution, through the spirit of conveying and making decisions, it represents the highest -level collective will. Therefore, the Politburo meeting has always been an important window for the outside world to observe the direction of China's policy.

The operation of the Communist Party of China has always been transparent. In recent years, the official has received tighter information control in recent years. The news of the Politburo Conference will inevitably make the outside world many associations: January last year, January and 5 of this year, and 5Is there a meeting in the month?Is the top floor be on the reduction of "Wenshan Huihai"?Or do I discuss sensitive issues that cannot be disclosed to the outside world?What hidden among them?

Bloomberg quoted AliCia Garcia Herrero, chief economist in the Asia -Pacific region of France, said: "Whether it is data, policy decisions, or official announcement, it will cause unexpected consequences.How to distinguish rumors and official policies. "

She also said: "As a result, the uncertainty of the policy direction has increased, and investors may not be ahead or need greater risks."

The Politburo of the Communist Party of China has not released the meeting information for more than three months, it is rare, but if it is suspected that this is because of the discussion of hidden matters, it is not necessary to even release the news of the meeting.

After all, the official news agency Xinhua News Agency after the Politburo meeting of the Communist Party of China has been released for many years, but the release of the content of the meeting is selective.In the manuscript, the content of the meeting will not be fully disclosed. When encountering content that is not suitable for disclosure, the end is generally brought by a sentence "the meeting also studied other matters", which usually includes important personnel appointments discussed in the meeting.

Since the initiative to the content of the meeting, there is a complete decision on what to report and not informing, so the possibility that the official does not send the news at all after the meeting is not much.The Politburo did not hold a meeting.

This reflects that under the new political environment, although the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and its Standing Committee is still the core of the CCP's decision -making, the role of the Politburo Conference has actually changed subtle changes.

Under the collective leadership system, with the colleagues, they discussed the politics policy, obtained consensus, and made collective decisions with their colleagues through the Politburo Meeting.Today, the official authority of the Chinese Communist Party of China has fully consolidated and the status of the party is "set to one", and the necessity of this process has weakened.

Among the new leadership teams generated after the 20th National Congress, and his loyalists occupy nearly half of the country in the Politburo, most members of the Politburo will understand the core will to implement the core.It is not a major problem. The Politburo may no longer need to go through frequent meetings to unify thinking, understanding and action.

In addition, since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the direct -leading central decision -making negotiation coordination agencies have continued to increase and have improved their status. Decisions and decisions in key areas such as Guoan, Finance and Economics, Shenzhen Reform, Net Security, and Foreign Affairs can all make through the committee and other committees.Out and promulgated.In May of the Politburo Meeting, China officially presided over the first meeting of the 20th Central Finance and Economic Commission, the Central Audit Committee, and the Central National Security Council.

In fact, after the two sessions (National People's Congress and the annual meeting of the CPPCC), the new leadership team of the new State Council led by the Standing Committee of the Politburo and members of the Politburo also adjusted the work rules.

In March of this year, the notice of work rules of the State Council was officially issued, highlighting the political status of the "executive" of the State Council, and emphasizing that "implementing the party's leadership into all areas of the government work in various fields."The new work rules have reduced the number of executive meetings of the State Council, and changed from once a week to two to three times a month. If necessary, it can be held at any time.Important speeches, instruction requirements, and decision -making deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council.

Whether the Politburo Conference has also been reduced as the State Council's executive meeting, and more data and information are needed to support it. The role of the Politburo Conference in the process of decision -making of the Communist Party of China will be further observed.However, it is certain that high -level decision -making processes and models have transformed with the changes in political reality. China will not have a new "Xi Li era", and collective decisions of the Politburo have also become a past.In the new era where the core status is fully consolidated and the decision -making instructions can be implemented by barrier -free implementation, the Politburo has a less frequent meeting, it is also expected.