In response to the Graduate Group of the Seven Kingdoms (G7), it is unintentionally decoupled with China, but the economic toughness depends on "de -risk and diversification".The signed review article states that the softening of words does not mean thinking evolution. Instead of "decourse" with "de -risk" is actually the new bottle of old wine. The purpose is to build a "small courtyard wall". In essence, it is still a "cut off chain".

The article pointed out that "risk" is the norm in economic life, and all uncertainty constitutes "risks".The Seven Kingdoms Group suddenly did not mention "decoupling" in Hiroshima, and when he mentioned "risk", he felt that he seemed a bit of "economy".In fact, G7 understands its own "risk" as induced by China, or only to curb China can it get rid of the risk, which is a huge risk in itself.

The article says that the softening of words does not represent the evolution of thinking. Instead of "decoupling" with "de -risk" is actually the new bottle of old wine, but this expression is more deceived.Add the "small circle" that is enclosed in China.

An article analysis said that the United States has changed from the "decoupling" theory of China to "de -risk", which has the pressure of reality.Instead of the "decoupling theory" with "de -risk", behind the words, the United States hopes to save the US economy from China, but also reluctant to give up the Cold War thinking to continue to curb China's development.Self -demand mentality.

The article believes that the United States replaces the "decoustal theory" with "de -risk", which is also to attract allies to build anti -China line to find common words.In fact, the cost of "detachable disconnection chain" in China is huge, and it has become a consensus, including American allies. The United States coercion allies have caused dissatisfaction with many countries.

The article also said that from the recent speech of US national security adviser Sha Liwen, it is known that the United States not only has not softened its "decoupling" policy for China, but also began to seek "more refined refined China while taking China."Developed".Various signs show that the United States is tightening to China in high -tech and other fields, and the scope of the "small courtyard high walls" continues to expand.

The article criticizes the United States under the name of "de -riskization", does the real "de -China", and tries his best to send words and sentences, but forget that you are the biggest source of risks in the world economy.China brings opportunities to the world is not a challenge, cooperation is not confrontation, but insurance is not risk.

At the end of the article, the so -called "de -risk" is just the guise of deceiving the world. The essence is to politize and weapon economic science and technology problems, and to make a large "small circle" and "small group".Under the banner of "de -risk" to encourage the "decoupling" to China to rebel against the general trend, this method of discrediting China and labeling to China will never succeed.