The forest farm owner Sun Guoyou, who had previously kneeling in Ningxia, was reported by a lawyer on Tuesday (May 23).The Economic Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Ningxia Lingwu City responded that it had received relevant report materials from lawyers.It is currently investigating and verifying.

According to the news report, the lawyer Wang, a surname of Sun Guoyou, said in an interview that he was willing to bear all legal responsibilities on the authenticity of the video.Sun Guoyou and his daughter Sun Yue, who were reported, said that they also paid attention to the matter and said that Mr. Wang said "inconsistent with the facts" and will hold the relevant behavior of Lawyer Wang.

Reporting pointed out that the incident of "Ningxia Wan -acre Forest Field Lord Kneeling Seeking Water" incident in March this year has aroused widespread society.4月2日,双马煤矿通报了与孙国友协商供水问题的最新进展,称因为孙国友提出的供水需求违背水资源管理相关规定,双方未达成一致意见,但一直在积极协商,最近一次因为I couldn't contact Sun Guoyou and ended.

Lawyer Wang said that he has lived in Ningxia for more than ten years. He has been like a thunderstorm for Sun Guoyou's sand control.But after my own in -depth understanding, it was found that this was not the case.

In Lawyer Wang's view, Sun Guoyou is advertising himself with the labels of "public welfare sand" and "sand control hero". In fact, he just wants to make a profit for himself.

Lawyer Wang believes that Sun Guoyou's trees are suspected of illegal fund -raising. The manifestation of the manifestation refers to the user's introduction of trees adoption plan, user on -site inspection or photos, video inspections and selection of the adopted trees.Or the tree owner signed the method of adopting the adoption agreement, pay the support fee to the tree owner or the tree adoption organization company, and promise to pay the principal and interest paid paid by the adoption fee paid by the user, which is illegal fundraising.

Lawyer Wang admitted that the real -name report was because he had the evidence materials about Sun Guoyou's illegal fundraising."My purpose is to let justice speak, and we want us to return to the original calm." Attorney Wang said that he has submitted relevant materials to the local public security organs and said that he can be responsible for the authenticity of the reporting materials and is willing to bear it.All legal responsibilities.

Sun Guoyou and his daughter Sun Yue responded on Wednesday (May 24) that the incident said that they did not know about this (report) live broadcast.The behavior is rumored and slander. "The connection is random. Sometimes we don't know who we will be connected. We cannot verify the authenticity of the video." For a company mentioned in the video, Sun Guoyou saidThe company does not have any interests.

Sun Guoyou's daughter Sun Yue said that they are currently collecting relevant evidence and will then report to the local police.

The Economic Investigation Brigade of the Public Security Bureau of Ningxia Lingwu City responded to the media on Wednesday that it had received relevant report materials from Lawyer Wang.At present, further investigation and verification.