After the first 60 years of population declined in more than 60 years last year, the number of newborns in many places this year has also decreased compared with previous years. Chinese media estimated that the number of newborn populations this year may be less than 8 million.

Comprehensive reports of daily economic news, Red Star News, and Chinese charity magazines, the number of pregnant women in many grassroots hospitals in many places has declined.In order to compete for maternal resources, many hospitals have begun to provide maternal preferential services, and some hospitals have suspended obstetrics production service due to insufficient demand.

According to reports, given that this year's maternal archives have been completed, the number of births of the year can be roughly estimated according to the situation of the file, and its conclusion is that this year's new birth population may be less than 8 million.In 2022, China ’s birth population was 9.56 million, which was the first time in 1950 below 10 million.

A obstetrics and gynecologist in a maternal and child health hospital in a county town in Guizhou Province introduced that the number of childbirth in the hospital this year has decreased by nearly 30%compared with the same time.Salary is also affected.A medical staff from a three -way maternal and child health hospital in Hunan Province also said that the recent situation of "more maternals to bed" is relatively rare.

A obstetrician at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Heilongjiang Harbin City said that the hospital's delivery volume this year has been reduced by more than half. In addition to the concept of fertility and economic level, the diversion of local private hospitals also has an impact."In the past (childbirth volume), there may be seven or eight or ten or ten a day. Now one a few days, it is good to be one day."

Because the number of delivery is small, the Cangnan County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Zhejiang Province alsoIn May this year, the obstetrics were suspended from obstetrics, and medical staff said that it has completely stopped related services since October last year.

In addition to the decrease in the number of pregnant women, pregnant women are also constantly rising.Gu Weirong, director of the Ministry of Products, Affiliated to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Shanghai Fudan University, said that she served a total of 15 maternal mothers on one morning, of which only three were under 30 years old, and eight elderly women over 35 years old were the highest.The age is 40 years old.

Gu Weirong said that the current elderly mother of the hospital accounts for 20%to 25%; in 2011, this ratio is about 11%, which means that this percentage has almost doubled in 10 years.

In order to encourage fertility, local governments have subsidized subsidies.Among them, Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province, became the first cash subsidy city in 2021, and before the end of March 2022, the first parenting subsidy had been fulfilled to the city, a total of 950,000 yuan (RMB, about 180,000 new new new, about 180,000 new new.Yuan), benefit 650 families.Nowadays, Panzhihua's parenting subsidy policy has been implemented for nearly two years, but according to the Chinese media interviews with many hospitals in the city, the obstetrics and gynecology department has learned that there is still a decline in childbirth.

Yang Chenggang, a professor at the University of China Southwest University of Finance and Economics and vice chairman of the China Population Society, believes that the government has taken out the "real gold and silver" subsidies to reduce the parenting cost of the fertility couple as much as possible, which reflects the positive attitude of encouraging fertility.However, it must be acknowledged that these subsidies compared to the parenting cost of the family, although it cannot be said to be "a good salary", I am afraid it is difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of fertility.

Liang Jianzhang, the founder of Ctrip and Population Economist, suggested that the financial expenditure of subsidized fertility should be at least 2%to 5%of the GDP (GDP).Subsidy fertility.Liang Jianzhang proposed that specific subsidy fertility measures should include cash subsidies, tax and social security reduction, and house purchase subsidies to reduce family fertility costs.