Many universities in China have recently announced the management measures for official receptions to clearly clarify the meal standards.Xinyuan), each person does not exceed 150 yuan each time.This is also the highest standard for meals announced by several universities.

According to the surging news report, the introduction of the newly revised official reception management measures of Wuhan University of Science and Technology in Wuhan University of Science and Technology, in general business receptions, the reception objects should eat on their own in accordance with the prescribed standards.Indeed, due to work needs, the reception unit can arrange for dinner once.Academicians and experts and provincial and ministerial cadres do not exceed 200 yuan each time, and each person does not exceed 150 yuan each time.The same batch of reception personnel are arranged according to the standards corresponding to the highest position level.

The school stipulates that the staff (driver, secretary) of the reception unit and the leading unit of the unit, if it is a reception or a dinner person, eat at the reception fee standard.If it does not belong to the scope of official reception, eat at the standard of not exceeding 40 yuan per person in the same city.

The school is clear, and the city's official activities are strictly prohibited to eat each other. It is difficult to work because the working time is late, the return distance is too far or the day of the day is needed, and it is difficult to eat for yourself.No more than 40 yuan per person for a simple meal.

The school specifically mentioned that foreign guests' banquets and daily food entertainment should pay attention to frugality, and advocate the use of buffets and other forms.During the time of foreign guests, the banquet must not be more than twice, and generally controlled according to the standards of no more than 300 yuan per person.Standard control of no more than 300 yuan a day (the above standards contain wine).

The recent official reception management measures issued by Xi'an Engineering University also proposed that the reception objects should eat in accordance with relevant regulations.If you need to arrange a meal because of the work, each reception object can be arranged once a business meal. In principle, it is arranged in the restaurant in the school.

Among them, the total per capita cost of provincial and ministerial level, academicians and their accompanying personnel does not exceed 160 yuan;The total per capita cost of personnel does not exceed 120 yuan.

Jiangsu Institute of Technology also announced the implementation of official reception management (revision).According to this method, no reception is arranged between the urban area of Changzhou. If it is indeed unable to go home or return to the cafeteria for a cafeteria, it is necessary to fill in the job approval form of the Jiangsu Institute of Technology.Breakfast is 30 yuan per person, 80 yuan per person for Chinese food, and dinner for 80 yuan per person.

Jiangsu Institute of Technology also stated that the reception object should be dining on its own in principle. It is indeed due to work needs. The reception unit can arrange a meal at a time.Leaders' approval, up to 200 yuan per person.The number of visitors is large, and the buffet is advocated, and the meal standard does not exceed 150 yuan per person.

In addition, the official reception management measures (amendments) of Yili Normal University's official reception (revised) of Yili Teachers' University's Office of Yili Normal University show that the reception objects should eat in accordance with the prescribed standards.Indeed, because of work needs, you can arrange a working meal once, and the working meal standard is 70 yuan per person.Experts, professors and special circumstances invited by the school's consent, project declaration, lectures and other experts, and special circumstances, the meal standards can be slightly higher than the above standards, but each person must not exceed 120 yuan.