China Commercial Real Estate Leader Dalian Wanda Group issued a statement on the official website on Thursday (May 25) stating that the online "16 billion (RMB, Same as S $, about S $ 3.06 billion) sold 20 Wanda Plaza in 20 Wanda Plaza."For false news.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter before that the Dalian Wanda Group is considering selling more than 20 commercial centers located in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai to avoid liquidity tightening.

It is reported that these commercial centers are basically heavy assets, and the current valuation is 700 million to 800 million yuan each, and the specific price depends on their location and business.Among them, a shopping mall in Shanghai sells for up to 1 billion yuan.The potential buyers currently in contact are insurance companies and asset management institutions.

Wanda also reported a large -scale layoff last week. The company subsequently responded that the news was not true, but it said that it was indeed optimized by personnel and involved the compression of individual departments.

After the news came out, the domestic and foreign bonds of Wanda Group continued to fall.) Falling 11 cents and reported at 64.1 cents, a record of the decline.