Hong Kong Cathay Pacific Aircraft waiters are suspected of discriminating against non -English passengers and caused a fierce response in mainland China.Cathay Airlines quickly fired three air waiters involved on Tuesday (May 23), intending to cool down the incident.However, some interviewed scholars believe that the incident reflects the hot mood in Hong Kong society, and it is not easy to solve this fundamental problem.

When the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao attended a forum on Wednesday, he should make his first statement on the incident. He said that he was very distressed about Cathay Pacific's un respects words and deeds that did not respect mainland passengers.

He said: "These disrespectful words and deeds have harmed the feelings of Hong Kong and the mainland compatriots, and destroyed Hong Kong's consistent respect, politeness, and integration culture and values.And disappointment. "

Li Jiachao said that Lin Shaobo, CEO of Cathay Pacific, pointed out that the incident damaged the image of Hong Kong and hurt the feelings of Hong Kong and mainland China, which was a serious incident.Although the three crew involved in the incident have been fired, similar situations cannot happen again.Cathay Pacific needs to review the quality of training services, improve the customer service culture, and reshape the image of a good hospitality.

Lin Shaobo, who attended the same occasion, spoke in Mandarin (Chinese) after the event, and apologized for the incident again.He reiterated that for individual employees to seriously violate the company's rules and regulations and moral standards, Cathay Pacific will adhere to the attitude of zero tolerance and do not allow similar situations to occur again.

Lin Shaobo also said that he will personally lead a comprehensive review of a cross -departmental group, re -examine the service process, membership training, enhance the customer's first culture, and reshape the image of respect and polite service.

However, the Cathay Pacific Workers' Union sent an internal email to the members on Wednesday to face Cathay Pacific waiters to face many unrealistic allegations and online rumors.

The Trade Union pointed out in the email that according to the company's "cabin service guidance", if the flight attendant was filmed and videos by passengers without consent, they could be deleted to the passengers; if they were rejected, the captain and the cabin could be notified and the cabin couldService manager.The company's policy shows that adopting a "zero tolerance" attitude towards non -conservation passengers will take all feasible measures to ensure that employees are fully supported when dealing with related incidents.

The Trade Union stated that Cathay Pacific would like to support employees to protect themselves and provide relevant guidelines. Unfortunately, it will eventually get sad news.

Scholar: This incident is just the corner of the iceberg

The incident originated from a Cathay Passenger Passenger on Monday (May 22) in the mainland social media "Little Red Book", claiming that when he took Cathay Pacific Passenger Plane from Chengdu to Hong Kong last Sunday (21st)Discriminate passengers when talking with colleagues.Some people suspect that when they make fun of the passengers in English, they say "Blanket" as "Carpet", and some people describe passengers to "do not understand human words" to colleagues after persuading passengers to return their seats in Cantonese.

After the article came out, it immediately detonated the mainland public opinion field.Cathay Pacific apologized for four times within three days and completed the investigation within two days to fired three employees involved.However, some Hong Kong netizens questioned that there were also Cathay Pacific waiters who made fun of the Hong Kong people on weekdays, but they would not be fired. This time, the mainlanders were upgraded to the level of discrimination by the company. They had to dismiss and apologize. The practice was very unfair.

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer in Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, believed that many Hong Kong people were affected by Western ideas for a long time, and there was a sense of superiority in worshiping foreigners and looking down on mainlanders.Many Hong Kong people dare to say angrily, so they vented in daily life and work transit to vent to the mainlanders.This time Cathay Pacific Airlines discriminated against the mainland passengers just the tip of the iceberg.

Chen Weiqiang said that in recent years, Cathay Pacific has more and more focused on its business to the mainland market. The incident reflects Cathay Pacific's corporate management problems. In the future, employee training must be strengthened.Cathay Aircraft Workers' Union issued a statement on Wednesday, and it will only annoy the mainlanders and even upgrade to comprehensively resist Cathay Pacific.

Chen Weiqiang pointed out that the anti -Chinese mood of Hong Kong society is still hot at the moment, and many Hong Kong Qings have rejected the mainland's mentality and have been deeply rooted, and it is difficult to change in the short term.He believes that in addition to the official start from the next generation, to educate them to get along with the mainland in harmony, it is also necessary to establish effective channels to express different opinions to Hong Kong people.