(Beijing Comprehensive News) Li Hui, an Eurasian affairs of the Chinese government visited in France, said that China and France have a lot of consensus on the issue of Ukraine. China is willing to strengthen dialogue with various countries and expand the number of conventions in the crisis of politics.

According to the news released by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China on Wednesday (24th), Li Hui held talks with Monadononi, the General Department of Politics and Security, Paris on the 23rd.Exchange opinions such as relationships.

Li Hui said during the talks that China and France have a lot of consensus on the issue of Ukraine. China is willing to strengthen dialogue exchanges with various countries, continue to expand the number of conventions of political resolution in crisis, and gradually accumulate consensus and lay the foundation for the suspension and stop war.China supports Europe to strengthen strategic autonomy and promote the construction of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security structure.

Monadononi said that the French is also a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. It is of great significance to strengthen dialogue on extensive issues, including Ukraine issues, which are extensive issues.The French side expects that China will continue to play a constructive role for the ceasefire and stop war.

Regarding Sino -French relations, Li Hui said that French President Macron successfully visited China last month and achieved positive results. China and France must implement the important consensus of the two heads of state, continuously deepen the pragmatic cooperation in various fields, and closely in major international issues.Communication and collaboration with regional hotspot issues continue to make new contributions to the world's peace, stability and development.

Li Hui started a trip to Europe on May 15th. From May 16th to 17th, he met with officials such as President Zessic, Ukraine Foreign Ministry, and Energy Department in Ukraine from May 16th to 17th. Since then, he visited Poland.Li Hui will also visit the EU headquarters this week to meet with the EU's Asia -Pacific Chief Chief Executive of the EU.

The last stop of Li Hui's trip to Europe is Russia. According to Russian media news, Li Hui will visit Russia on Friday (26th).