China has recently established Disease Prevention and Control Bureau.

According to the Guizhou Daily report on May 24, in order to accelerate the reform and improvement of the disease prevention and control system, Guizhou Province has become one of the provinces that the provincial "three fixed" regulations have been introduced in the country.On May 23, the unveiling ceremony of the Guizhou Provincial Disease Control and Control Bureau was held, and Dong Jialu, deputy governor, attended and unveiled.

It is reported that the establishment of the Guizhou Provincial Disease Control and Control Bureau is a major measure to deepen the reform of the disease control system, consolidate the prevention and control of epidemic prevention and control, build a strong public health system, and comprehensively promote the construction of healthy Guizhou.The Guizhou Provincial Disease Control and Control Bureau is the management agency of the Provincial People's Government departments managed by the Provincial Health and Health Commission and is a deputy department -level unit.

According to surging news statistics, the Disease Control and Control Bureau of Yunnan, Tianjin, Xinjiang, Guangxi, Hebei and other provinces has also been established one after another.Among them, the Hebei Provincial Disease Control and Control Bureau was established on May 17, and three days later, the Disease Control and Control Bureau of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region was established.On May 21, the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Disease Control and Control Bureau was established, and the Disease Control and Control Bureau of Tianjin City and Yunnan Province was established the next day.