Taiwan Vice President and Chairman of the DPP Lai Qingde on Wednesday (May 24) personally recruited cross -party legislators candidates to play in three difficult constituencies in New Taipei City.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan reporting and ETTODAY News Cloud reported that the DPP Presidential Legislative Council Election has announced 51 regional candidates, 21 arduous constituencies, unmanned registered constituencies, and current legislators.Retire the constituency.In response to difficult constituencies, the DPP yelled out the goal of the "Democratic Alliance" earlier, and recruited across the party, cross -generation, and cross -domain.

Lai Qingde personally presided over the "New Taipei City Legislator Candidate Candidate Call of Press Conference" on Wednesday afternoon, announcing that the eighth constituency (Zhonghe) and the 11th constituency (new store) of New Taipei City will call for the former party member Wu WuXun and former councilor Zeng Baiyu went to the legislators, Zhang Zhilun, the son of Zhang Qingzhong, the former legislator Zhang Qingzhong and Luo Mingcai, the KMT legislators. For the ninth constituency (Yonghe) in New Taipei City, the DPP will cooperate with Li Zhenghao, a non -party political commentator to fight against the Kuomintang veteranLindford.

Lai Qingde said that the 2024 election is essential to Taiwan. Therefore, the DPP's calling operation in this legislator constituency adheres to the three principles of cross -party, cross -generation, and cross -sectors.The "Democratic League", combined with the deeper and wider power of society to protect Taiwan.

Lai Qingde said that the three constituencies announced today are the "difficult and difficult" constituencies of the DPP, but the three candidates are courageous and individual they are facing individuals.Candidates have quite strength.

For the three candidates, Lai Qingde affirmed Zeng Baiyu that she was facing the "black second generation" and local forces.She was a generation of Sunflower Study Games. She had been elected as the legislators of the district as the Green Party, and she was also run for city councilors as non -party membership.The enthusiasm of her service at the grassroots level is admirable.Especially in the past four years, she is the deputy chief executive of Taiwan's Democratic Laboratory. She pays attention to studying the information of mainland China on Taiwan. If she can enter the Legislative Yuan, it will help Taiwan.

For Wu Yan, Lai Qingde explained that Wu Yan's opponent is the "Golden Second Generation" nominated by the Kuomintang.Wu Yan is a democratic child who is born in neutrality and the leader of the Sun Flower Study Games. He also embraces his ideals for Taiwan and society. He also represented the power of the city to the city councilors, showing that he was enthusiastic about grassroots services.

In addition, for Li Zhenghao, who will run as a non -party member, Lai Qingde said that Li Zhenghao is a talent to promote reform in the Kuomintang.Attach importance to transforming justice and actively abandon the party's property, so that Taiwanese society can further develop.

Lai Qingde said that the three young people are from different political parties and backgrounds. They are also born in the 1980s. They also embrace their ideals and adhere to the democratic value of Taiwan. I hope that Taiwanese society can encourage such young people.