正在中国访问的俄罗斯总理米舒斯京说The relationship between Russia and China is unprecedented at a high level.

According to the Russian satellite news agency, Michase Beijing said on Wednesday (May 24) when he met with the Chinese State Council Prime Minister Li Qiang on Wednesday (May 24) that Russian President Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping made decisions for the two countries.The establishment of cooperation in eight priority areas has formulated strategic guidance.The Russian and Chinese governments have launched a coordination work to implement an agreement reached by the Supreme Leaders of the two countries.

He said that the relationship between Russia and China is at an unprecedented high level.The two countries respect each other's interests, and jointly respond to new challenges brought about by the turbulent international situation and the pressure of collective sanctions from the West."As our Chinese friends said -'people's hearts, Taishan moved'."

According to Reuters and Agence France -Presse, Li Qiang said when he met with Mashu SengThe pragmatic cooperation in the middle shows a good development trend.He pointed out that so far this year, bilateral trade has reached US $ 70 billion (about S $ 94.2 billion), an increase of more than 40%year -on -year.

Li Qiang said that the scale of investment in China and Russia is also increasing, and strategic large -scale projects are steadily advancing.China is willing to work with Russia to promote pragmatic cooperation between the two countries in various fields to a new level.

Michase Beijing flew to Shanghai on Monday (May 22) and participated in the China -Russia Business Forum on Tuesday morning.According to the Russian government news, Michase Beijing will also meet with Xi Jinping on Wednesday and sign a series of bilateral agreements.