When the Chief Executive Officer of Cathay Pacific Airlines, Lin Shaobo, attended the event in Guangzhou, mainland China, apologized again in Putai discrimination in Mandarin.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily, Dagong.com, and Phoenix Network Finance reported that Lin Shaobo said Mandarin in a event co -organized by the Hong Kong Trade Development Agency and the Guangdong Provincial Department of Commerce on Wednesday (May 24), "Just now, Li Jiachao also mentioned some of the storms that happened in the past two days, and I will make sincere apology to you again. "

He promised to lead a group of cross -departments to improve service quality, and in order to provide high -quality services with consistently, and to passengers of different backgrounds and different cultures.

Lin Shaobo was interviewed by a large number of media after the event.According to reports, he apologized to the incident in Putonghua first: "As the Chief Executive CEO of Cathay Pacific, I would like to express my sincere apology on behalf of Cathay Pacific to the affected passengers and society."

Lin Shaobo reiterated that rightIndividual employees seriously violate the company's rules and regulations and moral guidelines. Cathay Pacific will adhere to the attitude of zero tolerance, "similar situations will never be allowed to occur again."

In the interview, Lin Shaobo also responded to the media asks whether to worry about the incident that the incident would affect Cathay Pacific's business in the mainland.He admits that the incident, of course, has a bad impact on Cathay Pacific Airlines, especially on the mainland platform.However, this is also an opportunity for the company to re -review the service of the mainland. "So I think, we must look at it later, how to improve our future services."

After being asked about the investigation in a short period of time, and whether the dismissal decision was made too lightly, and whether it would fight the morale of the company's internal employees, Lin Shaobo responded, "I will explain to the employees within the company and believe that the company, employees and the public should look forward.He also emphasized that different availability of different availability will be considered, and employees who consider reorganizing different air service combinations and language skills on different routes.

A mainland netizen on Monday (May 22) on social networking sites, reported that Cathay Pacific air service staff discriminated against non -English passengers, and immediately detonated the public opinion field; Cathay Pacific Airlines had issued three even three copies of this.The statement apologized and fired three vacant staff involved.

Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao also spoke on his personal face on Wednesday morning, expressing that he was very angry and disappointed with the incident, and criticized the incident to destroy the image of Hong Kong.