The special representative representative of the Chinese government Eurasian affairs Li Hui in France in FranceDuring the interview, China and France had a lot of consensus on the issue of Ukraine. China is willing to continue to expand the number of conventions of the crisis of politics and lay the foundation for suspension.

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Wednesday (May 24), Li Hui held talks with Monadononi, the General Director of Politics and Security, Paris, France in Paris, France on Tuesday.The two sides exchanged opinions on political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis and Sino -French relations.

Li Hui said that French President Macron successfully visited China last month and achieved positive results.China and France should implement the important consensus of the heads of state of the two countries, continue to deepen pragmatic cooperation in various fields, closely communicate and cooperate on major international issues and regional hot issues, and continue to make new contributions to the world's peace, stability and development.

Li Hui said in the Ukrainian issue that China and France have a lot of consensus on the Ukrainian issue.China is willing to follow the "four should" proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping as the fundamental follow. Based on the Chinese position document on the political resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, it has strengthened dialogue and exchanges with all parties and continued to expand the number of constraints in the crisis of politics.Battle gradually accumulate consensus and lay the foundation.China supports Europe to strengthen strategic autonomy and promote the construction of a balanced, effective and sustainable European security structure.

Li Hui started a trip to Europe from the 15th of this month. From May 16th to 17th, he met with officials such as President Zeiski, Ukraine Foreign Ministry, and Energy Department in Ukraine from May 16th to 17th.Li Hui will also visit the European Union headquarters this week to meet with the EU's Asia -Pacific Chief Executive of the European Union.

According to Russian media news, Li Hui will visit Russia on Friday (May 26).