在中国访问的荷兰副首相兼外交大臣胡Kistla emphasized that protecting the security of Dutch economy and network space is the priority of the Netherlands.Qin Gang, a Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister, said that the more complicated the international situation, the more China and the Netherlands should unite to maintain the stable supply chain of the international industry chain.

According to Reuters, Wopke Hoekstra held a joint press conference after meeting with Qin Gang on Tuesday (May 23) in Beijing.Hutra said at a press conference: "Like China, we have the responsibility to protect our national security, just like China protecting its core interests, we must also protect our core interests."

Hutra was asked about China's threat to the Netherlands' economic security: "We share our national security concerns." But he refused to further explain, only that he held an open and frankness with Qin Gang earlier that day.Dialogue.

The Dutch plans to introduce export control orders to restrict the export of advanced chip equipment. It is considered by the outside world to simultaneously restrict China to obtain advanced chip technologies with the United States and Japan and other countries, attracting Beijing criticism.However, Hutra said at another press conference that the export restrictions are not targeted at any country. He also said that it is very important to be an economic country as a large economic country.

He also revealed that the Dutch government is expected to announce the details of the control order this summer.

According to a press release issued by the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Qin Gang said at a press conference held in Beijing that Zhonghe can do it in three levels.At the bilateral level, China is willing to deepen pragmatic cooperation with the Dutch side and provide open, fair, and non -discriminated business environment for each other's enterprises; at the China -Europe level, China Dutch should focus on the Active agenda of China -EU relations and promote the comprehensive restart of exchanges and cooperation between the two parties in various fields.; At the multilateral level, China is willing to strengthen communication and cooperation with the Netherlands to jointly maintain the United Nations as the core international system and a multilateral trading system with the World Trade Organization as the core.

Qin Gang said that China adheres to the path of peaceful development, adheres to the strategy of opening up to the outside world, exports opportunities rather than crisis, and bring insurance rather than risks.Fighting camp confrontation, artificially cutting off production and supply chain is the source of world risks.

He reiterated that issues related to Xinjiang, Tibet, and Hong Kong involved are not human rights issues, but to safeguard the issues of national sovereignty, security and development of interests.The Taiwan issue is related to China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, which is the core of China's core interests.Adhering to a Chinese principle is to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Sea.China has expressed appreciation for the reiteration of the Dutch to adhere to a Chinese policy.

Qin Gang also mentioned that China understands the concerns of European countries such as the Netherlands on the Ukrainian issue and always insist on persuasion and talk.Li Hui, a special representative of the Chinese government Eurasian affairs, is currently visiting Europe and communicates in depth with the European side on political solution.It is hoped that the relevant parties of the crisis will be objective and calm, and work together to stop fire and restore peace as soon as possible.