(Beijing/Hong Kong Comprehensive News) A mainland Chinese netizen on Monday (May 22) on a social networking site, the real name reported that the air service staff of Hong Kong Cathay Pacific discriminated against non -English passengers.Cathay Pacific apologized to this statement, saying that the air service staff involved had been suspended for flight tasks and will announce the results of the treatment within three days.

Comprehensive Beijing Daily and Ming Pao reported that the mainland passenger posted that when he took the Cathay Pacific flight CX987 on May 21 from Chengdu to Hong Kong, his seat was close to the air waiter for meals and rest.After seating, the empty service personnel complained in English and Cantonese.

The passenger uploaded the relevant recording showed that some vacant people took the funny machine on the mainland passengers to say the English of Blanket as a carpet (carpet).You can't get it "" The carpet is on the ground. "

The passenger also listed the discrimination he observed on the plane, including some passengers trying to ask in English how to fill in the entry card, but the empty service staff was impatient.When the child goes to the toilet, the air service staff first uses Cantonese to broadcast that the "security signal lights have not been extinguished, please return to the seat", and later said to colleagues in Cantonese, "They can't understand people."

This post is quickly fermented on the Internet, and many netizens also listed their unpleasant experience when they took Cathay Pacific.Cathay Pacific issued a statement on Monday night to apologize to the passenger's unpleasant experience, emphasizing that it will seriously investigate the treatment incident.

Cathay Pacific issued a statement again on Tuesday, saying that it attaches great importance to the incident. At present, the flight task of the air service personnel has been suspended, and an internal investigation will be launched in real time. The results will be announced within three days.

China Official Media People's Daily Overseas Edition WeChat public account "Xia Ke Island" posted a comment event that a business with business around the world has regional discrimination against passengers, which can only expose the company's business quality and exposeSome people's national identity bias, psychological distortion, and low culture and professional literacy.

The article also proposes that Cathay Pacific can not just apologize every time, but should be rectified with a heavy punch.