Courts in different regions of China, on the same day, executed the death penalty against three criminals of rape minors.

According to Xinhua News Agency, Xiaogan City Court of Xiaogan City, Hubei Province, Weifang Intermediate Court in Shandong Province, and Anyang Intermediate Court in Henan Province, on Tuesday (May 23), respectively.Ni Duqun, Wang Xiaoshan, and Sun Baochang performed the death penalty.

According to reports, they all choose elementary or junior high school girls as the object of infringement through the means of chatting.Among them, Ni Duqun used the name of online chat and other methods to borrow the name of love to rape the victims and repeatedly "brainwashing" to control.

In this regard, the People's Daily published on Wednesday (24th) and published a death penalty entitled three rape minors criminals.Review article.The article states that the nature of the three criminals is extremely bad, the social harm is extremely great, and the crimes are extremely serious."The death penalty for the three criminals is very fast."

The article said, there are many reflection on the matter.Judging from the situation announced by the relevant departments, criminals are used to chat through the Internet, and they specifically select elementary or junior high school girls as the object of infringement."How to protect the violations of minors from illegal crimes? This is a topic that must be faced."