The cloud computing department under Alibaba Group reported that a new round of layoffs were reported, with a layoff of about 7%.Alibaba Cloud responded to this that it was just a normal organization and personnel optimization.

According to sources quoted on Wednesday (May 24) Bloomberg, Alibaba Cloud Intelligent Group has notified the affected employees to provide the affected employees with dismissal fees or transfer employees to other departments of Alibaba.

Sources said that the layoffs aims to help the cloud computing department prepare for spin -off and final IPOs.

In response to the news of layoffs, Alibaba Cloud said to the observer network, "It's just normal organization and personnel optimization."A person close to Alibaba Cloud said "basically true".

Some insiders in Alibaba Cloud revealed that during the period of the fiscal year alternation, some personnel adjustments will be involved. This year, it is necessary to mention that Ali has carried out the organizational structure of "1+6+N" since the end of March at the end of March.After spin -off, Alibaba Cloud Intelligence in the six major business groups must be optimized for subsequent organization.

At the end of March this year, Zhang Yong, chairman and CEO of Ali Group's board of directors and CEO, issued a full letter, announcing the start of the 1+6+N organization change, and set up Yun Smart Group, Taitian Group, Local Life Group, Ali International NumbersSix major business groups and multiple business companies such as Commercial Group, Cainiao Group, and Great Entertainment Group.

After this change, the various business groups and business companies of Ali Group will set up a board of directors to implement the CEO responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors, and the Alibaba Group will fully move towards the management model of the holding company.