"There are sunny days and storms in life, interrupting the handbone and upside down (Taiwanese, which means more brave)."The son of former Taiwan President Chen Shui -bian and the Democratic Progressive Party members of Kaohsiung City, Chen Zhizhong, learned that the money laundering of the Nangang Exhibition Hall and other cases must be sentenced to prison in late April.The next day he quoted the famous German philosopher Nietzsche's famous saying that "the people who suffered no pessimism" said that when he was facing setbacks from childhood, "reuniting this sentence is like a desert Ganquan, but he can give me courage and wisdom."

Many people who have more than a "700 million" (referred to as NT $ 700 million and about S $ 30.27 million) in Taiwan's first family scoffed at this first family. Seeing this former prince of the prevailing excellence, it has been by the court.He was convicted, and he never regretted it.

Chen Shui -bian, who is still in a state of medical treatment outside, In order to continue the only political incense in the family, on Tuesday (May 2), in the eyes of the public, he walked to the Kaida Grand Avenue in front of the presidential palace with a crutch and ran at the Executive Yuan at the Executive Yuan.Between the Legislative Yuan and taking the Penglai Island case as an example, when he was young, he was sentenced to one year for his son to be sentenced to one year.He was compared with his son's money laundering.

At the same time, at the same time, the outside world saw Chen Shui -bian's actions freely and accepted media interviews, and once again violated the five principles of five incompetence of obtaining medical treatment in 2015: not entering the venue, not going to the stage, not talking, not talking about politics, and not accepting the media.Interview.The Legal Minister Cai Qingxiang said on the morning of Thursday (May 4) that the Taichung Prison was dealt with in accordance with the law and the Correction Department paid close attention to the incident. In the afternoon, the Correction Agency approved the 34th exhibition of Chen Shuibian for medical treatment.

The Democratic Progressive Party was elected in the nine -in -one local elections last year. The biggest frustration in history. Vice President and Chairman of the DPP Lai Qingde expanded "black" in order to save the party's image.The amendment, those who are involved in black gold, guns, poison, money laundering and other decisions shall not be elected.Unexpectedly, this move may accidentally end Chen Zhizhong's political life. Chen Shui -bian has stated that he would pardon his Lai Qingde.

Chen Shui -bian was a political star since he served as the legislators, and later he selected Taipei Mayor and even President.Chen Zhizhong, born in 1979, was under the shade of his father, from studying the exam to the soldiers when he was a soldier to enjoy the privilege, including being photographed by the media during the service.When SARS), when the epidemic outbreak, the officers and soldiers in the army stopped, but he asked for four consecutive days in a row, and there were many public opinion. In 2010, one weekly, Chen Zhizhong drove the sex worker of Nicole, Chen Zhizhong.Yokou denied the statement, but became the prostitutes certified by the court.

During Chen Shui -bian's president, the first family had no money. Chen Zhizhong was charged with his mother Wu Shuzhen to hide the crime of criminal income from the Longtan land purchase case and the Nangang Exhibition Hall, and also laundered money through overseas accounts.According to media reports, at that time, in order to show off his wife Huang Ruiliang at that time, Chen Zhizhong took Huang to the Cathay Pacific Bank of China to watch the cash full of cash full of cash. The prosecution of the special investigation team mentioned that there were at least 740 million.In 2012, the US Department of Justice will auction 400 pings (1322 square meters) of luxury houses purchased by the Bian family with stolen money.

At the end of 2010, Chen Zhizhong was elected as the first high voting in Kaohsiung City in Deep Green. He was sentenced to three months in 2011 for pseudo -testimonia in 2011. He lost his qualifications for eight months.This time is the third term. The crime of money laundering will be admitted to the prison on May 11th for only four months.Chen Shui -bian frequently hugged his son, "His political road is bumpy, that's his life."

Chen Zhizhong never reflected, and also played sadness, saying that what he was most relieved was the weak mother, saying that this was "the person who was guilty for the sons and sons". He was willing and regretted.However, Chen Zhizhong and Bian's family owed a Taiwanese society from beginning to an apology.