(Ottawa Comprehensive) The Canadian government claims that it is considering deinging a Chinese diplomat who tries to intimidate a Canadian member and his family.

The Canadian Global Post on Tuesday (May 2) quoted a confidential report from Canada Intelligence Agency 2021 that the Chinese Conservative Party of Canada Zhuang Wenhao criticized a "racial extinction" behavior in Xinjiang in Xinjiang for a motion in Parliament.He and his family became the target of the Chinese government.The newspaper also disclosed the identity of the diplomat, which was accused of being accused of Chinese diplomats in Toronto, which involved Zhuang Wenhao, a Chinese diplomat (transliteration).

Canadian Foreign Minister Mlanie Joly summoned the Chinese ambassador to Canada Cong Peiwu on Thursday (May 4th), and said at the subsequent Congress that the Canadian government is evaluating the consequences of diplomatic exports.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said on Friday (May 5th) that Canada has no reason to slander and discredit the normal performance of the Chinese embassy in Canada, and the Chinese side strongly dissatisfied with this and resolutely opposed it.The person in charge of the US Department of Foreign Affairs also proposed to the Canadian ambassador to China solemnly.

According to Agence France -Presse, Zhuang Wenhao supported the Canadian Parliament in February 2021 that the Chinese government's behavior in Xinjiang constituted racial extinction.In March, the Chinese government imposed sanctions on Zhuang Wenhao.

Mao Ning said that the previous sanctions on Zhuang Wenhao were the response to the Xinjiang issue on the Xinjiang issue based on lies and false information.

Bloomberg reported that at the committee meeting on Thursday, Zhuang Wenhao asked why the Canadian government did not take more powerful actions."Why do you allow this diplomat to continue recognition on Canada's land?" Milani replied that the government is "evaluating different options, including expelction of diplomats."

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said that the incident was "a political farce based on ideological prejudice."

In February this year, the Canadian media quoted security people, saying that the Chinese government tried to interfere with Canadian 2019 and 2021 elections.Agence France -Presse said that these allegations that Beijing has denied has become the focus of the Canadian parliament and election agencies, and the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau, who has been re -elected, faced more pressure on Beijing to take a strong stance on Beijing.