(Hong Kong News) Many military and defense analysts believe that the aircraft carrier of the Chinese Navy can only show the ability that has not yet been fully grasped, and it may take more than ten years to play substantial threats in areas far away from the Chinese coast.time.

Reuters published in -depth analysis reports that if China and the United States have conflicts due to Taiwan problems, the role of Chinese aircraft carriers can play in the conflict is doubtful, and it is currently more like a propaganda material.Military and defense experts interviewed also doubted whether China can protect these aircraft carriers from attacking in the long -range mission of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean.

Reuters interviewed four military counselors and six national defense analysts familiar with regional naval deployment, and checked more than 100 articles recently published by Chinese defense journals, published depth on the strength of Chinese aircraft carrier on Friday (May 5th).Analysis report.

China currently has three aircraft carriers: Liaoning, Shandong, and Fujian. Among them, Fujian is the first domestic aircraft carrier configuring an electromagnetic ejection device and an ejection take -off method.The report of the Pentagon states that the Fujian may be put into use in 2024.

Shandong appeared in the eastern waters of Taiwan last month in the Military exercise of the PLA.Some mainland media described the military exercise of the Taiwan Taiwan as an active patrol and military challenges to the United States and allies; but the eight experts believe that Chinese aircraft carriers are still in the training mode.

Some analysts, for example, said that the ability of military aircraft to take off and land at night and under bad weather is critical to performing tasks outside the shore, but Chinese aircraft carriers have not yet reached the standard.In the conflict, Chinese aircraft carriers are easily attacked by missiles and submarines. The PLA has not yet perfected aircraft carrier defense capabilities, especially in anti -submarine warfare.

Collin Koh, an expert in Maritime Safety, Nanyang University of Technology Rajele South International Relations College, told Reuters that the Fujian has a more modern ability, but it will be just a test platform in the next few years."Until we see the next generation of aircraft carriers, we can determine the true intention of the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy, and the design of domestic aircraft carrier has been shaped."

Analysis reports that Chinese military analysts understand the defects of Chinese aircraft carriers.In October last year, the People's Liberation Army published an interview with Chinese aircraft carrier flyers. One of the officers acknowledged that there were many shortcomings in the preparation of the war in preparation. There was also a gap between the training level of the sailor and the combat requirements.


The aircraft carrier plan reflects the goal of the CCP to build the PLA into a world -class army by 2049. This is part of the official construction of the "great modern socialist country" in China.

In countries with aircraft carriers, the United States is still the most advantageous and has 11 aircraft carrier battle groups that can cover the world.

The Ministry of National Defense did not respond to Reuters' inquiries and related reports.