The China Electric Power Enterprise Federation predicts that the situation of power supply and demand in southern China is tight in the second quarter of this year.

According to the surging news report, the China Electric Federation issued a report on Friday (May 5) that the national power supply and demand in 2023 is generally tight and balanced, and the power supply and demand of electricity in some areas is tight during the peak period of electricity.

Oblowing the peak summer (the power load will reach the peak in the summer), the power supply and demand situation in East China, Central and South China is expected to be tight.

The China Electric Federation also quoted the forecast of the meteorological department that this summer (June to August) this summer (June to August) in the eastern and central parts of the southwestern region of the southwestern region is less precipitation and high temperature.The precipitation of the northeast of Sichuan is 20 % to 50 %, and regional meteorological droughts may occur, which will affect local power supply and power delivery.