印度尼西亚热门旅游地峇厘岛(中国称“"Bali") A five -star hotel had a death during the May Day holiday, and two Chinese tourists were unfortunately killed.While the local police made every effort to investigate this sensational tragedy, whether traveling to Southeast Asian countries was safe, and it once again caused controversy on the Internet of China.

Comprehensive China and Indonesia media reports, the location of the crime is located in Intercontinental Hotels in Jimbaran, Bali.The corpse was discovered at 6.50 am on May 1st.

It is reported that when the male dead was found on the terrace of the hotel corridor, there were wounds around the neck and left leg.At about 32 points, he climbed out of the room with blood, and he finally fell into the corridor after about 20 minutes of struggle.The female deceased was found lying in the bathroom in the room, with wounds around her neck, and her bruises showed that she might have been pushed her neck before her lifetime.

The Chinese Consulate General in Barcelona on Thursday (May 4th) confirmed to the South Metropolis Daily that both deceased were Chinese citizens.Some media quoted two victims' friends that the two were couples and had been in a stable relationship for many years.

After the case was exposed, "Bali", "Bali", "two tourists dying in Bali, Indonesia", "Intercontinental Hotel Bali" appeared on the Weibo hot search list for many days, and the popularity continued.With the more details of the local police investigations, many Chinese netizens have made "remote detectives" and put forward a variety of conjectures and inferences.

Even the five -star chain hotel is not safe?

Bali Police said that it is not yet possible to conclude whether the two committed suicide or were killed. They had to wait for the investigation results of evidence such as the review of the witnesses and the closed -circuit TV video discovered at the crime scene.However, the police revealed that the victim's personal items were in the hotel room and were not lost.

Case occurred in Bali Island GoldIntercontinental Bali Resort, a international chain, is a five -star hotel.(From the official website of Intercontinental Hotel Group)

According to the hotel monitor screen, the female deceased went to the hotel to stay in Room 4223 on the evening of April 30; around 17:00 on May 1st, maleThe deceased arrived at the hotel lobby and entered the room with the female dead; about 0:50, the male dead left the room, suspected to stay at the door of Room 4222 next door, and then returned to his room; then a hotel employee was at 1:17 at 1:17A meal delivery service was provided around, and after staying in the room for a period of time, he left; after 6:32, when the male deceased climbed out of the room, no one went in and out of room 4223 in monitoring.

由于案件尚在调查中,媒体所能获得的上述信息并不一定全面或准确,但这不妨碍网民根据现有的时间线和线索进行推理:有些人认为,五个There are no other people in and out of the time, and the property is not lost, which means that the contradictions between the two people are killing each other; some people believe that the time for food delivery staff to stay in the room is a bit strange and cannot be completely eliminated; there are still people who open their brains and suspect that they are suspected that they are suspicious.It may be that after the people next door were hit by the male dead, they entered the room through the balcony and other channels to enter the room to murder ... In the murder motivation of netizens, there are no shortage of wealth, robbery, revenge, extermination, etc.The hypothesis of worrying makes people on the Internet feel disturbed.

However, the core controversy and accusations are why the hotel's security personnel did not discover abnormalities in time after climbing out of the door of the male dead to enter the monitoring.For more points, other passengers heard the call for help and called the front desk before checking.

Many netizens believe that if the hotel's movement can be faster, the male dead may have the opportunity to be rescued, or at least some cases can be said to make the case so confusing.

Some netizens have bluntly said that intercontinental hotels, as a five -star hotel with international chains, do not have enough security forces to ensure the safety of residents.

Following it, there are many netizens posted on Weibo and Xiaohongshu to ask "Do you dare to go to Bali"; there are also many netizens rushing into the previous travel notes to share, leave a message to talk aboutAnd this murder case, tried to alert tourists who planned to travel to pay attention to safety.Some netizens even raised this unfortunate incident to the "anti -China" problem, calling on Chinese tourists not to go to Indonesia anymore.

Netizens issued a post on social media, questioning the safety of tourism in Indonesia and even Southeast Asia.The picture shows some netizens spoke under the topic of Weibo.(From Weibo)

Of course, most of the netizens who pay attention to the case are expected that the truth of the case can be fell out of water as soon as possible.

Southeast Asia Travel: From "preferred abroad" to "Be careful with Karma waist"

The safety controversy caused by the tragic murder case of Bali Island Hotel also reminds many Internet users of the previous ChinaPeople who travel to Myanmar are traveled to be traveled and traveling to Thailand and "Karma waist", pushing Southeast Asian tourism to the cusp again.

It is worth pointing out that although the same belongs to Southeast Asian countries, the gap between economic and public security in several countries is not small and cannot be inferred.Taking the world ’s city safety rankings released by economics in 2021, Singapore ranks third among 60 cities, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ranks 32nd, Thailand Bangkok ranks 43rd, Indonesia Jakarta ranks 46th, and Banitan Myanmar ranks the countdown.First.

Remind Chinese tourists to go to the countryside of poor security countries such as Myanmar, Cambodia, etc., but since March, it has become the focus on the Chinese network and "wind -evaluation victims", but it is known for its tourism industry., Thailand, known as "the country of smile".

It is known as the beauty of "the country of smile".Thailand is known for its tourism industry, but has been questioned on the Chinese network since March this year.The picture shows the streets of Bangkok on April 13.(Reuters)

The rise of negative public opinion, from the end of March a long video released by Douyin, a net name called "Heart Medical Lin Lin", warned Chinese tourists, especially female tourists not to Thailand.Tourism, beware of being trafficking to Myanmar to engage in fraud or "Karma waist" (picking organs).Although the video was quickly deleted and the net celebrity was subsequently banned by the entire network, according to Chinese media, the video appeared "virus spread" on the Internet, which made countless people jealous of travel to Thailand.

In response to online rumors, the Thai Embassy in China issued a document on March 23 that it emphasized that Thailand attaches great importance to the quality of tourism, safety, and a good impression of Thailand.Maintain and ensure the safety of tourists, "PleaseChinese tourists are assured.

The WeChat public account of the "Shanghai Rumor Platform" of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China also posted on March 29 that many Internet celebrities created to create Thailand in order to attract traffic to attract traffic.The illusion of losing contact after travel has triggered fans to suspect that they have been abducted "Karma waist".

Shanghai rumor platform also emphasized that "Karma waist" is a "old rumor" that has been rumored many times, medical affairsWorkers have also clarified many times that such operations are not realistic: kidney transplantation has extremely strict norms and processes in terms of overall process, kidney -taking process, or transportation.Extremely high.

The article wrote that the "Karpan waist" statement of the current online transmission is the product of the anchor "loss" and some netizens speculated, but it hurts Thai tourists.

Thailand's emphasis on tourism industry can also be seen from its economic data: taking 2019 before the epidemic, the tourism industry accounts for about 18%of the GDP (GDP); according to Thai media reports, ThailandThe national tourism development plan designated at the beginning of this year proposed that the proportion of tourism revenue accounted for not less than 25%within five years.

On the other hand, the Chinese attitude towards travel to Thailand is alsoAfter a lot of changes: In 1990, Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, became the first batch of relatives and tourist destinations approved by China.It is a very face-to-face thing to travel to "New Matthew".

In the 1990s, being able to travel to Southeast Asian countries such as" New Matthew "was a very face-to-face thing for the Chinese. (Internet)

By the late 00s, with the rise and convenient of European and American tourism, tourism to Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries gradually no longer "noble", but it is still the first choice for many people to travel abroad and short -term travel.One of the places. In recent years, with the improvement of Chinese tourists' consumption level, Southeast Asian countries with cheap prices have gradually become a cost -effective choice, and they are loved by young people.

Is it really unsafe to travel to Southeast Asia?

However, even if the official has repeatedly rumored and vocalized in order to appease people's hearts, many such as "do you want to travel to Thailand/Southeast Asia to travel to Thailand/Southeast Asia?"Questions.

In summary, most of these questioners have already had a travel plan and even set the hotel tickets, and they are mainly young girls or couples. Among them, there are many passengers of" poor travel ".EssenceJudging from their questions and replys, many of them seem to hope that netizens can leave a message to tell them, "In fact, it is not so terrible, it is still possible to go."

Chinese netizens who support or oppose travel to Southeast Asia do have their own words and difficult to persuade each other: Internet users who think that safely think safely in their local life experience, they will be questioned as "take GanaiQian's "speaks of" water forces; netizens who are scratching the problems of malignant incidents, and netizens who should not go to, will be ironic that "the Chinese are usually harmed the Chinese."

On the other hand, although the atmosphere of "unsafe" traveling in Southeast Asia has spread on the Internet since the end of March, data from Chinese tourism platforms show that since the opening of outbound travel after the epidemic,Southeast Asian countries are still among the hottest destinations.

Xinhua News Agency quoted Thai tourism reporters reportsAt present, the number of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand every day is around 10,000, and it basically returns to the first third of the epidemic.(Xinhua News Agency)

According to Xinhua News Agency on Tuesday (May 2), Thailand think tank data shows that as of late April, Thailand has received more than 730,000 Chinese tourists this yearAbout 30 times.Wu Mingzheng, deputy chairman of the Thailand Tourism Chamber of Commerce, also said in an interview that the number of Chinese tourists visiting Thailand every day is around 10,000 and basically returned to the level of one -third of the epidemic.

According to Guangxi media reports, many local travel agencies' Southeast Asian line tourism facilities have been scheduled for the "May 1st" holiday.A travel agency also revealed that 60%of the tourist groups of the May Day holiday company went to Thailand.

In addition to the closer distance and the price discount, Thailand's landing visa provided by Chinese travelers also makes it more difficult for European and American countries to obtain it with tourist visas and high round -trip air tickets.Tourists are "worry -free".

Objectively speaking, no matter where you travel, you can improve your vigilance and pay attention to the safety of personal property at any time.

The prevailing rumors such as "magic" such as "Karma waist" are unscrupulous in order to pursue traffic, or there are other benefits behind it, and it is difficult for ordinary people to judge.But the contradictions of tourists who want to travel while they are scared, but it is not difficult to understand: the risk of a very small probability encounters the risk of dangerous events, and the cost -effective tourist experience. With the wealth of wallets and time, a littleAfter entanglement, it will be as common as people.