(Beijing/Shanghai Comprehensive News) The first "May 1" small holiday tourism consumer market after the Chinese epidemic was hot, and the number of tourists and tourism revenue exceeded the level of the same period in 2019, showing a strong recovery.However, unexpectedly shrinking manufacturing manager index (PMI) and unemployment rates that are still high have made the industry worry about the prospects of China's economic uneven recovery.

The calculation data published on the official website on Wednesday (May 3) on the Ministry of Culture and Tourism shows that during the May 1 holiday this year (April 29th to May 3rd), the country ’s domestic tourism travel total 274 million people, Year -on -year increased by 70.83%, recovered by comparable caliber to 119.09%in the same period of 2019.

At the same time, China's domestic tourism revenue reached 14.8056 billion yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 28.4 billion), an increase of 128.90%year -on -year, and resumed to 100.66%in the same period in 2019.

Chinese social media is full of popular tourist attractions, shopping malls, and railway stations; for many tourists, this is the first time they travel since their outbreak.Bloomberg quoted economic analysts pointed out that the strong recovery of the consumer service industry, including the tourism industry, is one of the main factors to drive China's super -expected economic growth in the first quarter of this year.

Urgent Economic Revolution Analysts worry and sustainability

Citi Group analysts pointed out in a report that the number of tourism revenue is not as good as the number of tourists, showing that consumers are more frugal and cautious after the epidemic.The analysts of Goldman Sachs Group also proposed that further economic recovery will require higher income increase and stable consumption confidence support in order to ensure that the recovery is more sustainable.

However, after the news of the growth of May 1st tourism data was announced, China Securities Tourism stocks fell more than 4.5%on Thursday (May 4), which also showed that the investment industry was insufficient confidence in maintaining growth in the tourism industry.

The corresponding restoration of the service industry is the accidental contraction of the manufacturing industry.Caixin announced on Thursday that in April, Caixin China Manufacturing Purchasing Manager Index (PMI) was 49.5, which was less than 0.5 percentage points in March, and the expansion of two months fell to the contraction range.

This trend is consistent with China's official PMI. The data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on April 30 shows that the manufacturing PMI recorded 49.2 in April, a decrease of 2.7 percentage points from March.

Wang Yan, a senior economist of Caixin Think Tank, analyzed that in April, the prosperity of the manufacturing industry was deteriorating, showing that the foundation of economic recovery was not solid, and the short -term release of the backlog of market pressure, the continuous doubts of economic recovery.He also emphasized that employment is also a prominent problem facing the current Chinese economy, and the employment situation of young groups is particularly severe.

The latest official data shows that in March, China ’s unemployment rate of young people aged 16 to 24 reached 19.6%, an increase of 1.5 percentage points from February.As more than 11 million graduates of fresh college enters the labor market one after another, the unemployment rate will continue to rise.