New Zealand Prime Minister Hipkins called on local exporters not to rely too much on China, and believed that exporters should start diversified work in the unpredictable world.

According to Bloomberg, Chris Hipkins told reporters in the capital Wellington: "The information I want to convey to New Zealanders is: yes, we must make sure you will not take all all all you will take all all all you will take everythingThe eggs are placed in the same basket, and you are diversified.

Hipkins are asked if he sees the diversified value of trade outside China.Yes, any trading country, including New Zealand, will make a wise choice to ensure that we have a variety of trade relations."

The Labor Party, which Hipkins, has emphasized the necessity of diversification of trade for many years, but China is still the largest trading partner country in New Zealand. As of the annual export of New Zealand in February this year, China has occupied28%.

New Zealand Foreign Minister Nanaia Mahuta will set off to China on Tuesday (March 21). The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China will announce that Malhu Tower will be from March 22 to 25Visit China.