China is renting a large amount of super oil tankers, which indicates that after ending the control measures of the crown disease, China's energy demand has accelerated.

According to the Wall Street Journal, traders use super large oil rings (VLCC) to transport crude oil to the world's largest oil imported country. The size of this tanker is comparable to the Eiffel Tower.crude.Shipbuilding agent said that the most demand for these oil tankers is equipped with a modern emission system, and the lease cost has soared to nearly 100,000 US dollars per day (the same, about 133,800 yuan), which is twice the price a month ago.

One of the promotion factor of this rise is that the demand for crude oil in China's refining industry has increased, and the demand for oil in the United States is particularly large.

After China was lifted at the end of last year, the Chinese economy was faltering.However, recent data show that economic activities are accelerating, and traders and brokers have stated that the demand for oil has begun to surge.

According to the data of the commodity tracking company Kpler, China's crude oil imports are expected to reach or exceed the historical record set in June 2020.

It is reported that this is a gospel for the tanker of the rental ship, including Frontline, Euronav, and Teekay Tankers listed in New York.

This will also bring other potential effects.The continuous growth of China's energy demand may boost global gasoline and natural gas prices.This will increase the difficulty of central banks in various countries to suppress inflation.

So far, China's imports have not led to rising oil prices.On the contrary, the benchmark Brent crude oil price has fallen by 10%so far this month to about $ 75 per barrel, the lowest level since the end of 2021.The turbulence of the US and European banking systems has triggered investors' concerns about economic recession. If it really happens, it will curb the energy consumption of the West.

Nevertheless, some energy industry executives and traders said that meeting China's thirst for oil may promote the rise in oil prices later this year."The giant is back again", Hugo de Stoop, CEO of Euronav, which has more than 40 super -large tankers.

Shippers and brokers said that the hottest on the market is the tanker to transport American crude oil to China.

Even before the plunge of last week, the US demand had low demand had lowered the price of US crude oil compared to the Middle East crude oil.According to traders, after the sanctions effective in December last year, China ’s purchase of low -cost Russian oil also increased sharply after the initial hesitation.

The ships rented now will be transported to the port of China at the end of May or early June. After the refining of these petroleum is made into gasoline, it happens to catch up with the peak driving season of driving in summer.HSBC analysts said that 41 oil tankers were booked in the first ten days of March, and 62 were booked throughout the month in February.These analysts also said that they expect the rate of oversized tankers to remain at a high level.

According to brokers and Lufute data, China International Petrochemical United has a series of orders since the beginning of February, leading in the industry. The company is the trading department of China Petroleum and Chemical Co., Ltd., a state -owned refining company.A senior tanker agent in Singapore said that China International Petrochemical Company has more than 20 batches of goods, about 8.5 million barrels of crude oil, and such oil purchase activities continue until March.

The high -Oklore freight is in sharp contrast to the retracement of other shipping markets, and the latter has triggered a warning of the global economy.Container freight has fallen sharply.After the commodity demand slows down, the consignment company has reduced one -third of the cross -Pacific voyage.

The sanctions on Russian oil are squeezing the supply of cargo ships, which is a factor that is conducive to oil shipowner.Europe no longer imports Russian crude oil from the nearby Baltic Sea and Black Sea Port, and is changed to buy crude oil from West Africa, the United States and Persia Gulf.Russia's oil is transported to India or China, and sometimes it will be converted from a small tanker from a small oil turn when passing through the Mediterranean.

E.A. Gibson Shipbroker Research Director Richard Matthews said long -distance voyage will occupy the shipping ships that can be used.In addition, more and more cargo ships are used to transport sanctioned Russia, Venezuela and Iranian oil, which has caused many companies to be unable to use these cargo ships.

Lars Barstad, CEO Lars Barstad, said: "The tanker is getting longer and longer, and the supply of cargo ship is currently very tight. I think the freight in the next two years will remain strong."

The Wall Street Journal reports that the shipping industry has been commonplace, but this time there is no new tanker to buy a tide to alleviate the supply.The uncertainty of the prospect and supervision of ships made the shipowner dare not place orders.Clarkson PLC, a ship brokerage company, estimates that the newly -laid -off ship will only increase the fuel capacity by 2.9%.In contrast, according to the order book of the shipyard, the capacity of the liquefied natural gas fleet will increase by 50%.

The International Energy Agency said earlier that China is expected to promote global oil demand to increase 2 million barrels per day this year, reaching a record of 102 million barrels per day.A suspended problem is how much oil will consume in China, how much oil will be refined and exported to Europe to replace sanctioned Russian diesel.

BRS Shipbroker Research Director Andrew Wilson said: "China is getting out of the cold winter: it is impossible to recover overnight. This always takes a little time."
