China Civil Aviation Bureau reported last year that China China Eastern MU5735 crashed last year"Very complicated and rare." In this regard, civil aviation experts interpreted that Eastern Airlines, the air crash, was very different from previous aviation accidents.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the reporter interviewed Shao Quan, deputy dean of the Civil Aviation College of Nanjing University on Monday (March 20),Gao Jun, Director of An Office.

In the why China Civil Aviation Administration issued a report on the progress of the investigation at this time, Shao Quan said that transportation and aviation accidents often have a great social impact and public attention.The information of the investigation into the public on the annual incident is the traffic requirements and practices of the international civil aviation industry.

Shao Quan said that both the "temporary statement" or "the progress of the investigation" is not the "final survey".Generally speaking, the cycle of large -scale transport and aviation accident investigations often exceed one year. This is mainly due to the technical complexity and uncertainty faced by the survey. Many technical doubts and difficulties need to be repeatedly demonstrated.The verification support of the experiment is a lot of time.

The report on the progress of the survey mentioned that "the accident is very complicated and rare." Gao Jun said that the aircraft accident survey is a complex system project. GenerallyA comprehensive and in -depth investigations have carried out comprehensive and in -depth investigations in various aspects such as aviation status, weather environment, ground guarantee, air management command, and corporate organization management.

Gao Jun said that from the current understanding, the accident is very different from the past.The aircraft almost completely disintegrated after falling on the ground, and the wreckage was trivial and distributed, which greatly increased the difficulty of searching for investigation and wreckage evidence.In addition to the analysis and verification of the wreckage and the aircraft aircraft maintenance survey, the other aspects involved in the accident investigation are equally complicated. They need to carry out the rigorous and meticulous, objective and in -depth work of the investigation team to ensure that the final investigation conclusions can stand the historical test.

China Oriental Airlines Boeing 737-800 passenger plane. On March 21 last year, when flight MU5735 Kunming Changshui Airport to Guangzhou Baiyun Airport was taken, 64 minutes after taking off from 8,900 meters, it fell quickly and crashed at high altitude and crashed from 8900 meters.Near Moyi Village, Fukannan Town, Fuzhou City, Wuzhou City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.After the plane hit the ground, it disintegrated, and all 123 passengers and nine units on board were killed.

On the first anniversary of the occurrence of air crash, the Civil Aviation Administration of China notified the progress of the investigation of the China Eastern Airlines MU5735 aircraft crash last year.The report said that because the accident was very complicated and extremely rare, as of now, the investigation is still underway, and the relevant information will be released in a timely manner according to the progress of the investigation.