Li Kaifu, chairman and CEO of Innovation Workshop, joined the ChatGPT battle situation and said that he was in person to organize the Project Al 2.0 to create a global company that is committed to creating a new platform in the AI 2.0 era and AI-FIRST.

According to, Li Kaifu Sunday (March 19) announced the above news. He said: "Project AI 2.0It is not just the generation of AIGC created by graphic and text. CO-Pilot and the applications that are now seen are just the beginning of AI 2.0 capabilities.AI 2.0 technology and application -related investment opportunities to accelerate the creation of a new entrepreneurial ecosystem of AI 2.0. For the future of AI 2.0, we have more and more imagination. "E 100 to drive China's capital market.According to reports, Li Kaifu said at the time that AI was transitioning from the perception intelligence from the 1.0 stage to the cognitive intelligence in the 2.0 stage. Once it has a considerable semantic communication ability, it can compete in understanding and expression of understanding and even surpassing humanity.He believes that telephone sales, customer service, and cashier will be the fastest occupation replaced by AI, and market researchers, insurance claimers and radiologists rely on a large amount of data to draw conclusions are also "crisis."

Li Kaifu has previously clarified the understanding of the new generation of AI through two speeches.He said that AI 2.0 will be a platform -level trend and compare AI 2.0 to platforms such as power grids, Windows and Android systems.He also mentioned that the United States is now breaking through innovation AI 2.0, but China can also catch up with hard work. "This opportunity is really ten times larger than in the past."

According to reports, in fact, starting with the company's company OpenAI, a new round of AI entrepreneurship has formed a new model of the capital team to recruit the technical team.Openai was also opened by the science and technology leader Musk.

In 2015, Musk and the CEO of OPENAI's CEO Ultraman donated a total of $ 1 billion (Same as S $ 1.34 billion) and other technological leaders established an openai.The AI talents in the Silicon Valley area, and the concept of recruiting talents is that it cannot allow large companies such as Google and Microsoft to "monopolize" AI technology.In 2019, Microsoft took over and invested $ 1 billion in Openai.

ChatGPT In just two months, more than 200 million users not only triggered a military reserve competition of global technology companies, but also attracted many cross -industry people.

Wang Huiwen, co -founder of the Chinese takeaway giant Meituan, who has already retired, issued a hero post on social media on February 13, saying that the contribution of 50 million US dollars to create "China's OpenAI", hoping to extend the top level in the industryR & D talents.