China is making it easier for several domestic chip companies to receive subsidies, and these companies will have more control over government research.The continuous tightening of export control of advanced technology and manufacturing equipment has forced the Chinese government to reflect on the way of supporting the chip industry.

According to the British Financial Times on Tuesday (March 21), people familiar with the matter revealed that after the new regulations come into effect, the beneficiary company will have the opportunityEssenceAt the same time, these enterprises will also be able to play a greater role in national research projects and reduce the impact of state -owned enterprises and academic institutions.

A source who directly understands this policy change said that the Chinese government will subsidize the production and deployment of localized chip manufacturing equipment for these companies, and the subsidy does not set any capital limit, and pointed out that these support measures are pointed outIt is to overcome the restrictions of the United States.

People familiar with the matter said that chip manufacturers SMIC, Hua Hong Semiconductor and Huawei, and equipment suppliers North Huachuang and China Micro Semiconductor will be a company that benefits from this policy transformation.

It is reported that this policy change means that the Chinese government has made large -scale subsidies to the semiconductor industry in the semiconductor industry to establish domestic capabilities.The United States has made different reactions to curb the development of its chip industry.

After the official Chinese official decided to establish the CPC Central Committee Science Committee earlier this month, and re -established the Science and Technology Department, the Chinese government and some chip companies cooperated more closely.Adjustment.

A government officials who are closely related to Chinese chip manufacturers said that China has waste too much money in non -functional research, and it cannot bypass sanctions and has no results."It's time to abandon delusions and invest all possible resources into companies that have the ability to guide the industry out of the predicament."

Reporting analysts said that China needs to speed up the self -developed local alternative products, but this is thisIt is not a simple task.Lucy Chen, the vice president of Isaiah research in Taipei, said that using domestic alternative equipment replacement equipment will definitely experience pain, but this is inevitable.