On the occasion of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Putin in Moscow, Chrystia Freeland, Vice Prime Minister of Canada, said that China needs to pay attention to the interest relationship of the Russian and Ukraine war and say that Putin stood "history in historyThe wrong side. "

According to Reuters, Frigan said on Monday (March 20) in Ontario, Canada, Ontario, Ontario, and said to reporters: "Putin's invasion of Ukraine is the strongest challenge to rules -based international order...... I won't predict what President Xi will say or do in Moscow, but Chinese and Chinese leaders need to understand the interest relationship here. "At 12:59, he arrived at Moscow's Vulvovo Airport, and Russia sent Deputy Prime Minister Chelneshenko to welcome.Xi Jinping went to the Kremlin on the same day to talk to Putin.

According to Agence France -Presse, Reuters, etc., Putin told Xi Jinping that Moscow had an open attitude towards negotiations. He also watched China's proposal to resolve Ukraine conflicts and expressed respect.Xi Jinping said that he believed that Putin was supported by the Russian people.

Putin visited Beijing in early February last year. China and Russia subsequently issued a joint statement, announcing that "there is no end to the friendship between the two countries and there is no restricted area in cooperation."A few weeks later, Russia invaded Ukraine and triggered the largest war after World War II in Europe.