The official Chinese official Monday (March 20) arrived in Moscow to hold talks with Chinese strategic partners and Russian President Putin, which was charged with the crime of war at this time.

Analysis believes that Chinese officials will take this trip to deepen China -Russia's economic and trade connections, break through the United States' siege of China, and show the image of Beijing's international issue mediation; Putin will issue a signal that Moscow is not isolated.

China ’s official special plane arrived at Moscow's Vulvovo Airport at 12:59 pm on Monday, local time, and Russia sent Deputy Prime Minister Chelneshenko to welcome.Chinese officials went to the Kremlin to talk to Putin on the same day.

According to Agence France -Presse, Reuters, etc., Putin told Chinese officials that Moscow had an open attitude towards negotiations. He also watched China's proposal to resolve Ukraine conflicts and expressed respect.Chinese officials said he believed Putin's support from the Russian people.

As of the interruption of this newspaper, Chinese officials have not released the news of China -Russia's heads of state.

Putin visited Beijing in early February last year. China and Russia subsequently issued a joint statement that "there is no end to the friendship between the two countries and there is no restricted area in cooperation."A few weeks later, Russia invaded Ukraine and triggered the largest war after World War II in Europe.

Before China officially visited Moscow, China -Russia's heads of state published signed articles on the mainstream media of each other.In an article published by the Chinese official on the website of Russia and the Russian News Agency, it explains Sino -Russian relations in a large space and describes both countries to put Sino -Russian relations in the direction of its own diplomacy;

Putin said in an article published by the People's Daily calling the Chinese official "old friend".He highly evaluated the relationship between the two countries "reached the highest level in history and continued to consolidate strong", "the military and political alliance that surpassed the Cold War".

On the issue of Russia and Ukraine, Chinese officials only explained in one paragraph.He said that China ’s position issued by China last month about the Ukrainian crisis was“ absorbed reasonable concern and reflects the biggest convention of the international community on the Ukraine crisis. ”He also said frankly that "there is no simple solution for complex problems."

Putin thanked China for "a balanced attitude" and said that Russia has an open attitude towards political diplomatic methods to solve the Ukrainian crisis.He condemned the West to provoke the Ukraine crisis and continued to get oil on fire; he also warned that NATO "focused on penetrating the Asia -Pacific region", aiming to curb the development of China and Russia and violate the interests of China and Russia.

Scholars: Xi Follow the Sino -Russian cooperation Putin to tie the China and Russia together

Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology, Singapore Nanyang University of Technology, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that from the article published by Chinese officials in Russian media, this trip is most concerned about China -Russia bilateral cooperation; comparisonIn the next, Putin would "work hard to tie China and Russia together."

"Putin specifically mentioned NATO's intervention in Asia, and also directly criticized the United States and the West.

Recent signs show that Beijing is striving to become a mediation person in international issues.Earlier this month, Saudi Arabia and Iran held talks and agreed to build diplomatic relations under the mediation in Beijing.It is also reported that after meeting with Putin, the Chinese official plans to talk to Ukrainian President Zeleki.However, because China has never condemned Russia and the common interests of China and Russia in the United States, the outside world expressed doubts about China's role in breaking the deadlock and playing the medal.

Li Mingjiang judged that Chinese officials will test Moscow's position and will also persuade each other in diplomacy, but will not play a mediation role."If it is recommended to achieve a ceasefire based on the current situation on the battlefield, Ukraine will definitely not agree ... If China risks such suggestions, it will attract more negative reactions."

Kate Mallinson, the founder of PRISM, a British political risk management agency, pointed out that because Russia is increasingly dependent on China because Russia is more and more dependent on product exports, key supplies and political support.Participants.

Danana also believes that the conflict of Russia and Ukraine has reduced the resources of the West to Taiwan, so Beijing has no effort to promote the conflict immediately.