Regarding the preparation of personnel reducing personnel proposed in the reform plan of the national institution of China, the Chinese Youth Daily issued a text saying that this was "insist on living tightly at all levels" and "national fiscal expenditure in the country."The above requirements are highly consistent with the requirements of people's livelihood.

The China Youth Daily published a signature article by Chen Peng, director and researcher Chen Peng, the director and researcher of the Jiangsu Academy of Social Sciences on Friday (March 17).

The article states that the reform of the central state organs is not a new topic.Compared with the streamlined of the reform of the previous rounds of institutional reform, the "compilation of personnel in the central state organs of the central government agencies in accordance with the proportion of 5%" proposed by the reform of this round of reform is still moderate, which reflects the gradual, orderly, positive, positive, positive, positive, positive, and positive.Steady thinking.The reason why some people have attracted much attention may be that some people mistakenly think that it is a simple personnel.

The article states that reducing preparation may not be layoffs, let alone a decrease in the absolute number.The preparation of the establishment of the central government's reform in this round is the first to be a structural optimization. It is to adjust the number of preparation and change the government functions.Internal requirements.

The article states that the reduction of redundant staff reflects the future direction of the reform, highlighting the determination and strength of the party and the country to adhere to the reform of sharpness and the simplified military administration, which means that it is necessary to improve the government's operating efficiency through the simplified military administration.This is inherited and highly consistent with the "governments at all levels to live tightly" proposed by the Central Government Work Report.

According to the reform plan of the State Council institutional institutions proposed at the two national conferences of China, the preparationEssence