China officially announced a new round of reform plan for the Communist Party of China and national institutions, and established a new Central Financial Commission, the Central Science and Technology Commission, and the Central Social Work Department.

The official will also set up the Central Hong Kong and Macao Work Office, which will no longer retain the single -set State Council Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office to implement Beijing's comprehensive governance of Hong Kong and Macao affairs.

Chinese official media on Thursday (March 16) released the party and state institutional reform plan recently issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council. This institutional reform involves the party, political, people's congresses, the CPPCC, etc. this time.

In the reform of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the official will set up the Central Financial Committee to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the CPC Central Committee for financial work.Study and review major policies and major issues in the financial field, as a coordination agency of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

For this reason, the CCP will set up the Central Financial Commission Office as its office and be included in the sequence of the CPC Central Committee.The original State Council's Financial Stable Development Commission and its office no longer retain them, and their duties are classified as the Office of the Central Financial Committee.

The Communist Party of China will also establish the Central Financial Working Committee to uniformly lead the work of the party's party's work, guide the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style, disciplinary construction, etc.The office of the Office of the Central Financial Commission office.

The Communist Party of China will also establish the Central Science and Technology Commission to strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of scientific and technological work.According to the plan, the committee will coordinate the construction of the national innovation system and the reform of the scientific and technological system, study and review major strategies, major planning, and major policies for national science and technology development, coordinate and solve major issues of strategic, directional, and global problems in the field of science and technology.Mission and major scientific research projects, coordinate strategic technology forces such as national laboratories, and coordinate and coordinate the development of military -civilian science and technology integration and development.

In addition, the Communist Party of China will also set up the Central Social Work Department to be responsible for guiding the work of petitions.According to the plan, the department will uniformly lead the State letters and visits bureau, and the State Correspondence Bureau is adjusted by the State Council managed by the General Office of the State Council to the direct institutions of the State Council.

The Hong Kong and Macao systems are also adjusted. The CCP will set up the Central Hong Kong and Macau Work Office to take responsibility for taking the "one country, two systems" policy, implementing the power of comprehensive governance of the central government, governing Hong Kong in accordance with the rule of law, safeguarding national security, ensuring the well -being of the people's livelihoodInvestigation, research, coordination, and urging the implementation of the duties of Hong Kong and Macau integration into the overall situation of the national development.

The Central Hong Kong and Macao Work Office will be established on the basis of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council. As the CPC Central Committee Office, the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council will not be retained, and the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office of the State Council will not be retained.

The National People's Congress will form a work committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.

During the convening of the two sessions (National People's Congress and CPPCC meeting) last week, the official reform plan has been announced, including the Ministry of Science and Technology of the State Council;Data Bureau; Optimize the responsibilities of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry.

The CPPCC will adjust the setting of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, add the "environmental resource industry", integrate the two sectors of the "Chinese Communist Youth League" and the "National Youth Federation of China", and set up "Chinese CommunismThe "Youth League and the National Youth Federation of China" sectors; optimize the composition of the "special inviter" sectors.

The plan also proposes to reduce personnel preparation. The preparation of the staff of the central and state organs shall be remedied in accordance with a ratio of 5 %.Personnel preparation is determined by provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities in accordance with actual research; the county and township levels do not make precise reduction requirements.

The plan requires that the central level reform tasks will strive to be completed by the end of this year, and the local reform tasks will strive to be completed by the end of next year.