According to data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China, the price of new commercial housing in 70 large and medium -sized cities rose 0.3 % in February this year., Both ended 17 months of decline.

The demand for backlog purchase of houses is released after the Lunar New Year, promoting the Chinese real estate market to get out of the cooling cycle for nearly one and a half years, and return to the Su Channel.

According to the data released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China on Thursday (March 16), the price of new commercial housing in 70 large and medium cities rose 0.3 % in February this year.End 17 months of decline.

At the same time, cities with new residential housing prices declined from 33 in January to 13 in February; the number of cities with rising prices increased from 36 to 55, the largest number since July 2021.The number of cities with a price reduction of second -hand housing decreased by 27 to 30, and cities with rising prices increased by 27 to 40.

Yan Yuejin, the research director of the E -House Research Institute, pointed out that the price index of new houses in first, second, and third -tier cities rose 0.2 %, 0.4 %, and 0.3 % respectively.Full rise."This shows that with the stimulation of national policies and local policies, house prices in various places are generally out of the falling range, which has a very good signal significance."

In September 2021, the housing prices index of new commercial housing and second -hand residential houses in 70 large and medium -sized cities have shifted from a month -on -month rise to a decline, opening up the long -term cooling cycle of the property market.Since last year, the official has frequently introduced the loosening measures of the property market, but due to the impact of the overall economy, the market has not rebounded. In the second half of the year, the "rotten tide building off the tide", which made the weak property market worse.

China Financial Supervision Department further strengthened the "stable property market" at the end of last year. In addition to introducing the "16 Finance Articles" of the property market, it also allowed cities with weak housing prices to independently adjust the interest rate of mortgages.Since January this year, the loan interest rate of multi -land has dropped from "4" to "3". In some cities, some cities have completely canceled the purchase restriction policy and loosened from the demand side to the property market.

The residential sales data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on Wednesday (March 15) shows that residential sales in the first two months of this year rose 3.5 % year -on -year, reversing the decline of 28.3 % of the whole year in 2022.The maximum gain.The residential sales area decreased by 0.6 % year -on -year, narrowing from the double -digit decline in the past year and a half.

Experts: It will not be clearer until April and May

Zhang Xiaoduan, deputy dean of the Dede Liang Xing Research Institute, accepted an analysis of the United Za posks that the overall data as a whole in the near future is the upward trend. However, part of the reason is that due to the peak of the first wave of epidemic and the new year of the lunar calendar, a relatively low foundation was formed in January.

Zhang Xiaoduan said: "Although the increase in transaction volume and the rise in house prices, the overall signal of the market is better, but it is too early to judge that the market has been completely recovered at this stage."

Li Keqiang, the former Chinese Prime Minister who just stepped down, published a last government work report in his office last week that this year's government's property market work focuses on effectively preventing and resolving the risks of high -quality heads, improving the status of assets and liabilities, and preventing disorderly expansion., Promote the steady development of the real estate industry.Although the report no longer mention "housing and not frying", analysis generally believes that officials will not transfer the policy direction in order to boost the property market.

Zhang Xiaoduan said that the current property market policy still follows the principle of "one city and one policy". The relatively stable first -tier cities in the property market are relatively cautious when they are promulgating supportive policies."Taking Shenzhen as an example, the previous restrictive policy has not been adjusted too much to prevent the market from rebound too quickly."

Yan Yuejin believes that with the continued improvement of transaction data, the housing price index may stabilize greatly."On the one hand, various places must continue to activate reasonable housing consumption demand to ensure that the volume and price are smooth and better; on the other hand, pay attention to the phenomenon of housing price speculation and proper monitoring."