
Northern Remember

Go to Beijing on a business trip and buy a cup of coffee downstairs in the office, which has become my daily expectation.The store follows the popular boutique route. A good cup of Kabchino is only 15 yuan (RMB, the same below, about S $ 3). If the customer supports environmental protection to bring a cup and discounts 5 yuan.

Three years after the epidemic finally set foot in the Chinese capital again, the first small discovery is to drink high -quality boutique coffee everywhere.The office is called Manner downstairs. I bought it twice before I found out that this is a unicorn company that rose during the epidemic. The Singapore sovereign wealth fund Temasek also participated in their Series A financing in 2021.Financing, valuation of about 2.8 billion US dollars (about S $ 3.8 billion).In recent years, there are no less than 10 new coffee brands, highlighting that the tastes of urban people are becoming more and more refined, and their consumption habits are more westernized.

Beijing colleagues still look down on me to order Kabchino and educate me "Don't drink traditional Italian coffee in China", "I want to drink their own innovative taste!" I watched the cafes nearby.Aperture: oats, osmanthus, jasmine, Biluochun, orange, cheese, sea salt, DIRTY (hot concentrated coffee+purifying ice milk+auxiliary materials, hitting strong visual and taste buds) and so on.In order to grab the market, Chinese stores have to be "rolled" in categories, imagination and feelings, which are forced by competition.

Some friends don't even allow me to drink.She said, "What do you come to China to drink? You should go to the hutong to drink the beans of their own roasted!" I think, according to this trend, it may be good to attack European and American coffee, driving a new round of coffee style?

But except for these, many people ask me what other changes have changed in Beijing?I always feel a little can't say.Great changes are not talked about, but the subtle atmosphere changes are also clear and sensible.

First of all, there are fewer people, and blonde foreigners can hardly see.This must first clearly clear up the capital out of the capital because of the 2017 Cingrer.After that, the three -year epidemic, especially in 2022, China ’s double -suffering in epidemic prevention and economy, and employment opportunities in large cities are not as good as in the past.Moreover, China's entry and exit management has not fully returned to the pre -epidemic level, and there is a lot of people.It is said that in early January China had just relaxed the epidemic control, and there were more people in Beijing, recently less.

The second change is that there are more magnificent landmark museums in the city, such as the Chinese Government History Exhibition Hall opened in 2021, and the new Chinese first historical archives in China that opened to the public in 2022.The former is to preach the history of the Communist Party of China. The latter not only shows national pride, but also academic treasure trove. There are more than 10 million files on the Ming and Qing archives on the 10th floor of the four floors underground. The public can make an appointment to check the files.Some people say that Beijing is quiet and neat, and the sense of history is thicker.

The third change was that I found that Beijing was more integrated in Chinese and became a commercial center with a strong consumption atmosphere.Coffee culture is just one aspect. White -collar workers were said to be a high -priced folding bike "small cloth" of pure British descent last year.After the epidemic prevention and control this year, the restaurant is not easy to book. The citizens I saw on the street and the subway are not bad.

Data show that China's current recovery momentum is not strong, real estate downturn, insufficient confidence in private enterprises, and high unemployment rates, and are facing this pile of problems.The expenditure of three years of epidemic prevention has made many local governments finance. The term "local government debt risk" has rarely appeared in the Bulletin of the Central Economic Work Conference three times last year.EssenceHowever, at the scene of China, people's lives have not been affected much. Everyone just spends money more cautious, but there is still confidence in the lotus bag.

According to the analysis of the Washington Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center (CSIS), according to the global unified standards, China's middle class population in 2018 is equivalent to half of the total population, more than 700 million.The so -called thin camel is larger than the horse, and China is still a huge market that is full of stamina and cannot be ignored.

However, in such a Beijing, which knows consumption and taste, it makes people feel lacking.There are more pragmaticism and disappeared.Before the epidemic, the "brother" of Beijing was not the legendary "political commentator". Now there are more political propaganda in the news media, but people are more and less talk about current politics in daily life.This may be because ordinary people do not have much information, and they know that more saying will not change anything. Instead, it may cause trouble. It is better to concentrate on work and live a good life to help develop the country's economy and technology.

In this ancient capital of civilization, the righteousness of the governor is against the overall westernization trend. To prove that modernization does not mean westernization, the method is to strengthen the traditional Chinese culture and then strengthen the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee. The purpose is to create a new style of modernization.Providing new choices for humans is called Chinese -style modernization.

Will this attempt be successful?This is the most worthy of observation after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.Some people are worried that the high concentration of power will start from the top and layers of layers and is copied, which causes China to accumulate new risks after solving problems such as poor past decree.At this moment, when China is still in the rising cycle, the problems will be resolved in development, but how will it always make people feel unknown and uncertain in the future.During the visible period, especially in the past few years when you have just stepped out of the epidemic and the official revitalizing the economy, it is still possible. As long as there is no risk of sudden sudden risks, ordinary people can live well.