(Beijing News) The Chinese government's release of the new era of the Chinese cyber rule of law in the new era emphasizes that it has firmly opposed the market environment of monopoly and unfair competition and maintaining fair competition.

According to Xinhua News Agency, the white paper released by the State Council's News Office on Thursday (16th) states that while promoting economic and social development, the Internet has also formed a huge challenge to supervision and governance.The Chinese government clarifies the operating system of the digital market and resolutely opposes monopoly and unfair competition.

Among them, the e -commerce law clarifies the responsibilities of the operator of the e -commerce platform and the platform operator in the platform, and requires that e -commerce operators with market dominance are not allowed to abuse market dominance to eliminate, restrict competition, and maintain a fair market competition order.

In terms of antitrust, the White Paper also mentioned that the antitrust method modified in 2022 improves the platform economic anti -monopoly system, stipulating that operators shall not use data and algorithms, technology, capital advantages, and platform rules to engage in monopoly prohibited by the law.Behavior.

The white paper also emphasizes that network security is a new issue and new content of national security, and it has become a major issue related to the overall situation.Through the formulation of national security law, network security law, data security law and other laws, China has systematically constructed a legal system to enhance the ability of network security defense.

In addition, key information infrastructure is the neural center of economic and social operations, and the top priority of network security.The key information infrastructure safety protection regulations formulated in 2021, the implementation of network security responsibilities, setting up special security management institutions, and carrying out security monitoring and risk assessment are implemented by operators in key information infrastructure.

In terms of personal information rights, the white paper is written, accompanied by the rapid development of the digital economy, illegal collection, trading, use, and leaking personal information has increased.For this reason, China continues to carry out special governance of applications illegal collection of personal capital.Since 2019, a total of 3.22 million mobile Internet applications have been completed, and nearly 3,000 mobile Internet applications have been reported and removed from laws and regulations.