In February of this year, the service center set up a "unsuccessful thing" to reflect the window, which was accepted and coordinated by full -time personnel.Not According to the South Metropolis Daily on Thursday (March 16), many government service centers in Shenzhen have basically set up a "unsuccessful thing" to reflect the window, including the West Hall of the Shenzhen Municipal Government Service Center, Nanshan DistrictShahe Street Convenience Service Center, etc., is equipped with full -time complaints and coordinator.Not The person in charge of the Shahe Street Convenience Service Center of Nanshan District introduced that the "do not do things" reflects the window to provide the public with a channel for face -to -face feedback and solving problems.Wait for business.Not He introduced that different from the previous mediation room to solve the complaints of the citizens.It is a channel to actively provide citizens to guide, interpret and handle it to enhance the sense of service experience of citizens.Not Beijing, Yunnan, Shanghai, Sichuan and other places have also set up similar "do not do things" window in the past two years.