Chinese official media published a comment article about the "Kong Yiji Literature" of the Internet, called "Kong Yiji Literature" behindThe anxiety is a normal emotional reflection in life, but it emphasizes that the era of Kong Yiji is gone.Not "Kong Yiji Literature" has recently become popular on the Chinese network. Many netizens compare the academic qualifications to "Kong Yiji's gown" with Lu Xun's novel Kong Yiji "standing and drinking girch".When graduates are facing employment difficulties, related topics have caused discussions on major social platforms.NotThe Internet on the Internet (March 16) published a comment article entitled by the anxiety behind the literature of Kong Yiji literature, saying that the monologue of "frustrated scholars" has recently appeared on the hot search, attracting a lot of young people's empathy, someYoung people who have just entered the society use "Kong Yiji Literature" to reflect their current situation.Not The article mentioned that in the past three years, the scale of Chinese college graduates has continued to rise, but due to the increase in economic downward pressure and the impact of employment, finding a professional matching and the treatment of treatment is becoming more and more difficult to work.EssenceEven if you find a job, uncertain anxiety such as decline in income.Not The article wrote that the huge contrast made some people feel emotional and unwilling to engage in jobs lower than their expectations, although this job may like it.This "suspended" state that could not be overwhelmed made them feel like "Kong Yiji" in Lu Xun's writing.Not The article believes that in recent years, the new gameplay such as "nonsense literature" and "Lin Daiyu Literature" has been popular on the Internet.Entertainment and self -venting, emotional venting is not a flood beast. You don't have to go online, let alone stand on a heights and criticize.>

But the article emphasizes that in the emotional map, "anxiety -shame -despair" is a closed loop. The whole society should coordinate the efforts to assist young people out of the temporary dilemma and embark on the positive circular road of "anxiety -courage -hope"Essence

Only by giving full excavation of your own potential can be reflected.The reason why Kong Yi was in the predicament of life is not because he had read books, but he couldn't let the scholars' shelves, and he was unwilling to change his situation by labor.

The article recommends that obtaining education in reading can improve ability and expand the pattern, instead of setting up a box box for yourself, so that the degree of education will become a "gown" that restraints hands and feet.

The article finally called on young people to manage a good mentality, facing adversity correctly, and emphasizing The difficulty of the moment does not mean the failure of a lifetime.SPAN> The era of Kong Yiji is gone, and contemporary aspirations will never be trapped in a gown.