China officially announced the reform plan of the CPC Central Committee, further expanding party power, and strengthened the CCP's comprehensive leadership of finance, technology and social work to cope with technology card necks and financial and social risks.

After just ending the National People's Congress , Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (March 16) Xinhua News Agency on Thursday (March 16)The party and state institutional reform plan recently issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council disclosed the reform plan involving the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the institutional reform plan of the People's Congress and the CPPCC.

In the reform of the high -profile institution of the CPC Central Committee, such as external expectations, the official will form the Central Financial Commission and the Central Financial Working Committee.

Among them, the Central Financial Commission will be responsible for the top -level design, coordinated coordination, overall advancement and supervision and implementation of financial stability and development; study and review major policies and major issues in the financial sector.

Officials will establish the Office of the Central Financial Commission as the office;

The Central Financial Commission is expected to unify leadership of the Central Bank of China and the Securities Regulatory Commission, and the newly established State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration in the reform of the State Council in this round.

The Central Financial Working Committee is responsible for party building in the financial system and works with the Office of the Central Finance Committee.This is believed to be the leadership of the CCP's personnel and disciplinary inspection work in the CCP, and to ensure loyalty and integrity in financial systems based on technical bureaucrats.

According to the plan, the Communist Party of China will also establish a new Central Science and Technology Commission to strengthen the party's centralized and unified leadership of science and technology work.

The responsibilities of the committee include the overall planning to promote the construction of the national innovation system and the reform of the scientific and technological system, study and review major strategies, planning, and policies for the development of national science and technology, and coordinate and solve the strategic, directional, and global major issues in the science and technology field.

Analysts predict that considering the prevention of financial risks and the importance of responding to the United States, it does not rule out that the newly established Central Financial Commission and the Central Science and Technology Commission will be personally led by the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China.

Establishing a central social work department to coordinate the guidance of petition work

According to the plan, the Communist Party of China will also establish a new Central Social Work Department to be responsible for overall guidance of petition work, uniformly lead the National Industry Association Chamber of Commerce, and guide mixed -owned enterprises, non -public ownership enterprises and new economic organizations, social organizations, and employment groupsParty building work.

The department will unify leadership of the National Letters and Calls Bureau.Because the petition work involves stability, it does not rule out that the Central Social Work Department is managed by a senior official of a political and legal system.

Tang Renwu, Dean of the Government Management Research Institute of Beijing Normal University, analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that one of the core of the institutional reform was to allow the CPC Central Committee to comprehensively lead the leadership of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.

He gives an example to strengthen the CCP's centralized leadership in the field of science and technology is to give full play to the national system and respond to the problem of the card neck.

Tang Renwu also said: "The leadership of the Central Social Work Department's letters and visits work, in order to prevent the party's leadership in social organizations, civil organizations, and non -public ownership enterprises, to prevent the risks of similar color revolution."

To form the Central Hong Kong and Macau Work Office to strengthen the comprehensive leadership of the two places

In addition, the Communist Party of China will set up the Central Hong Kong and Macao Work Office, and will no longer retain the single -set State Council Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office to strengthen the CCP's comprehensive leadership of Hong Kong and Macao affairs.


Plan also proposes the preparation of personnel reduction, and the preparation of personnel of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the departments of the State organs will be uniformly reduced according to the proportion of 5 %.


Plan requires that the central level reform tasks strive to be completed by the end of this year, and the local reform tasks should be completed by the end of next year.

(Reporter is a special agent in Beijing)