Fu Linghui, spokesman for the National Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Statistics of the National Economic Comprehensive Statistics, said that from the perspective of data, the employment situation is generally stable.There are very good conditions and foundations.

According to the First Financial Report, Fu Linghui said at a press conference on Wednesday (15th) that due to the exceptional factors such as the epidemic, the employment pressure was relatively high last year.After taking a series of stable employment measures, the unemployment rate fell to 5.5%in December last year.From the perspective of data, the employment situation is generally stable, and it has increased slightly compared to January in February, which is due to the impact of seasonal factors.

He said that in the future, employment maintains overall stability. It has very good conditions and foundations.The first is that economic operation is expected to improve as a whole, and domestic demand is expected to gradually expand, which is conducive to increasing employment positions.Second, data from January to February show that the service industry is recovering accelerated, especially contact -type gathering service industries.The employment capacity of the service industry is relatively large, and its recovery is also conducive to stability and expanding employment.

He also introduced that the expansion of employment policies this year will increase.This year's government work report proposes 12 million new jobs throughout the year, which is increased from last year, and the employment policy is also increasing.With the improvement of the overall economy this year, I believe that new employment forms in entrepreneurial innovation will continue to increase, providing new support for employment stability.