Chinese bond traders said that the commonly used information software began to suspend the latest bond quotes providing major currency agencies on Wednesday (March 15).Earlier media reported that the Chinese regulatory authorities asked currency intermediary companies to stop disclosing data to these platforms.

According to Bloomberg, digital traders who are unwilling to name because they have not been authorized to publicly comment, saying that they cannot see the latest brokers on information software such as QEUBEE (QB) and DMBusiness bond quotation.

This change may cause traders to be unable to quickly obtain bond transaction information, forcing them to return to the way to obtain quotations through social media groups, affecting transaction efficiency.

DM debt check revealed that the quotation data of monetary brokers cannot be received at present, and said that there are many rumors about the quotation data market that cannot be verified and the documents have not been notified;Email; China Banking Regulatory Commission did not respond to Bloomberg's request for comment in time.

Reuters on March 14 quoted several unknown people who reported that Chinese regulators asked domestic monetary brokerage companies to suspend data quotation business for data security considerations.It is reported that five of the six currency brokerage companies, including BGC Partners, Central Tanshi and Compagnie Financial Tradition, received notifications from regulatory agencies.