China Two Sessions 2023

The two sessions will be


Li Qiang, born in Ruian, Zhejiang, has a lot of labels, such as loyalists, low -key and pragmatic practitioners.The guardian injects confidence to the private enterprises wandering in the predicament.

Li Qiang, who ranked second in the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, will officially take over Li Keqiang to become the new Chinese government at the National People's Conference on Saturday (March 11).

This leader born in Ruian, Zhejiang has a lot of labels, such as loyalists, low -key and pragmatic practitioners.Injecting confidence in private enterprises wandering in the predicament.

Li Qiang was in charge of the State Council of the Chinese State Council, breaking the practice of serving as deputy prime ministers since Zhou Enlai.From the "leader" of municipalities directly into the central government, a major challenge he faced was to be familiar with the large -scale and intricate State Council system as soon as possible; and the trust was Li Qiang's unique advantage.

Li Qiang, 64, is one of the representatives of the "New Army of Zhijiang", and his career has closely interact with Chinese officials.

When China officially transferred in Zhejiang in 2002, Li Qiang was the secretary of the Wenzhou Municipal Party Committee. He was promoted as Secretary -General of the Provincial Party Committee two years later and became the "big secret" of the Chinese official Chinese party secretary.Chinese official master has been in Zhejiang for more than five years, and has been assisted by Li Qiang for about three years.Chinese officials at the time, Li Qiang, always accompanied.The Wall Street Journal once quoted people familiar with the matter and said that there was a small room in the place where Chinese official office was. When Chinese official work was late at night, Li Qiang often lived in that room.

Analysts believe that the trust may allow Li Qiang to get more blessings and have greater space implementation policies; the situation of different pace of the North and South Courts of Zhongnanhai and different opinions is expected to decrease.

But some people are worried. Will Li Qiang make it difficult to make independent decisions?Will this just make the State Council's role as a loyal executor, causing the decision -making of Chinese high -level decisions to trap in the echo wall.

However, on the eve of the two sessions (National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting), the example of the British media Reuters quoted the narrative of people familiar with the matter showing that Li Qiang could make a bold decision while fulfilling his loyalty mission.

It is said that in China that the three -year zero -epidemic prevention policy ended in China, it was Li Qiang's persistence and pressure, which accelerated the pace of China's opening up.

A rich experience in economic management experience understanding that the private economy has reform thinking

Different from the former Economist Li Yining's former Li Keqiang, Li Qiang is not born in the science class.But before entering Beijing, his career has never left the coastal areas, and has accumulated rich management experience in the economic field to understand the private economy.

Li Qiang encouraged Wenzhou enterprises to go public when Liqiang's "Capital of Merchants" from 2002 to 2004, and brought overseas investment to Wenzhou.Zhou Dewen, president of the Development Promotion Association of Wenzhou SMEs, described in an interview with the South China Morning Post in 2017. Compared with the previous secretary, Li Qiang's biggest difference lies in the support of the private sector, "not afraid of adventure and responsibility ... there is reform thinking."

Li Qiang accepted a new visit after serving as the governor of Zhejiang in 2013. It has repeatedly mentioned Wenzhou's recreational culture, and the people's economy that emphasizes that "private, rich, rich, and people's enjoyment" has always been the largest vitality in Zhejiang.

China has rectified the Internet industry in the past few years, but the Wall Street Journal quoted people familiar with the matter that Li Qiang still kept in touch with technology entrepreneurs, including Alibaba's founder Ma Yun, and played a harmonious role for some people's situation.

Treating others likes to talk about economy rather than politics

Some people who have been in close contact with Li Qiang revealed that he was easy -going, no shelf, and liked to talk about economy and development rather than politics.Reform and enlightened are the impression that he left the locals when he used to control the place in the past.

He used the government in Zhejiang to "surge", grasp the reform of the approval system and the reform of administrative power, and greatly reduce the government's direct allocation of resources, the management and intervention of micro -transactions, and the price of resource elements.

People familiar with the matter said that in 2014, when Zhejiang prepared an international Internet conference, Li Qiang proposed to host the city to create a test area to allow Western companies to be unblocked by cyber firewalls; after the crown disease epidemicOne of the senior officials of the MRNA vaccine developed; he also promoted Tesla's landing in Shanghai.

In the first half of last year, Shanghai ’s“ precise prevention and control ”measures broke the defense. It was unprecedented for two months. The local people were resentful and the economy was heavily created. The outside world thought that Li Qiang, who was the“ first leader ”in Shanghai, would no longer be on the top.However, that defeat did not reverse Li Qiang's career. He ranked among the Standing Committee of the Politburo in October last year and became a member of the new leadership team of the Communist Party of China.

Li Qiang's career will soon be opened. What style will the State Council form under his leadership, how will he handle house relations, whether he can restore the confidence of private enterprises and inject the reform of the Chinese economy.Once revealed.