Crown disease epidemic in more than three years, China, ChinaWhen the public was still lingering for this century -old epidemic, the influenza A flu was noisy.Many people have not had a stream, but they seem to have the first of the Battle.

After a long time of the hot clinic in China, after a month or two, the crowds appeared again recently, but the queue is no longer a crown disease, but a type A type A with the symptoms of the crown disease.influenza.

Comprehensive reports from the Chinese media in early March, the popular rolling clinics in Beijing, Changchun, Jinan, Tianjin, Xi'an and other cities ushered in the peak of the clinic.The symptoms of patients include fever, cough, etc. Most of them are patients with A. The brands that were originally written by the "new crown (crown) test" were replaced by "influenza testing".

今年1月5日,西安The medical staff of the Ninth Hospital of the Municipal Hospital is working.(Internet)

According to reported on March 2, a daily number of adult clinics in a three -section of a Beijing Hospital in Beijing increased from only one week to more than 500 people.The number of consultations also increased by four or five times. The doctor in the doctor couldn't see it during the day.

The spread of the Chinese people's fear and tension with the Chinese people.

A stream and crown disease, who is fighting with?

The influenza A influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by type A flu virus, which often occurs in winter and spring.The incubation period of the armor is usually one to three days. The main symptoms are fever, soreness and headaches of the whole body, and there will also be some light respiratory symptoms, such as cough, runny nose, sore throat.

Although the symptoms of A current and crown disease are similar in the upper respiratory tract, crown disease may also cause patients with abnormal taste and smell, and some infected people also have symptoms of vomiting, diarrhea and conjunctivitis. These symptoms and these symptomsIt is relatively rare in patients with A.

The latest influenza weekly report (February 27 to March 5) showed that the positive rate of influenza virus testing in China and north of China continuedA total of 720 influenza -like cases in the country were notified, an increase of 330 from the previous week, which was nearly doubled.The data of ILI (reporting influenza samples) reported by the Southern Provincial Hospital Hospital is 7.6%, which is higher than 2.2%in the same period in 2021 and 3.8%in 2022; the ILI data in the northern province is 7.3%, which is also higher than the same period of 2021 in the same period of 2021.1.6 % and 2.2 % in 2022.

Disease Control Center data also shows that starting from mid -February this year, the influenza positive rate has surpassed the infection rate of crown disease. For example, the influenza positive rate reported on February 19 was 14.3 %The positive rate of disease is 3.4 %.

Disease Control Center data shows, fromStarting from mid -February, the influenza positive rate has surpassed the infection rate of crown disease.(Screenshot of the official website of the Centers for Disease Control)

I have just experienced more than three years of crown disease epidemic, and the influenza A influenza is aggressive. The Chinese people who smell the color change of "epidemic" will inevitably have anxiety reactions.

After the case of the A current in many places, the relevant entries of "A Stream" frequently appear on Weibo hot search.As of Friday (March 10), the entry of "A Stream" has accumulated 1.2 billion readings on Weibo.

Chinese netizens not only share their painful experiences after they are infected with A, but they are often compared with crown diseases with similar symptoms.The topic of "which is even more uncomfortable with Crown disease" has aroused warm discussions.

A netizen infected with Aliu shared: "I am not as good as death in the past two days. It feels more uncomfortable than a new crown (crown disease).The soreness is weak, and the sore walking foot is shaking. "

" I got the flow of A, and my body was much more painful than the new crown. When I went to the hospital for nucleic acid testing, I could only walk in a wheelchair. "The comparison diagram of the nail flow with the crown disease is that the infection of the infection is a bit more.

With the continuous increase of the Chinese people's attention to the spread of A stream, the "A Stream Antigen" Baidu Index rose 110 % this week, and correspondingly, the supply of A. The supply of A.

On the takeaway platform, OSELTAMIVIR, OSELTAMIR (product name, Tamiflu), which is known as the "A stars", has been reported to be doubled to 80 yuan a box (RMB, the same below, about S $ 15.57), some even rose to more than 100 yuan.Many cities can't buy it, and it will not be available after three days.

At the same time, the Alite antigen self -test agent has also been dominated on the e -commerce platform this week for more than 10 days, selling more than 10,000, each price is 30 yuan to 70 yuan;"Related search also ranks on the Taobao hot search list, and the search volume has increased by 110 % since this week.

Beijing citizen in February this year in the countryBuy drugs in large pharmacies.(Internet)

The centralized discussion of social media and the insufficient supply of drugs caused by the tide of drug grabbing, all indirectly exacerbated the spread between the people.Many people are not only afraid of influenza A, but also the control measures that may accompany the epidemic.

The epidemic control borrows the name of Dongshan to come back?

On Wednesday (March 8), Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, prints and issued the Xi'an influenza popular emergency plan on the official website of the municipal government.Emergency treatment and other work.

This emergency plan according to the ability of the virus, dividing the emergency response stage from low to high into four, third, second, second, and first -level, of which the highest two -level response measures have caused public opinion to rebound.

The secondary response measures include the timely social control measures to take temporary social control measures in a timely manner to reduce the flow of personnel under the premise that it does not affect the normal production and life order of society;, Stop business, stop the market, and stop classes.

The first -level response measures implemented in the most popular influenza in the influenza include measures such as blocking, traffic quarantine, production suspension, and suspension of business;, Strengthen the management of the migrant population and discourage the masses that are not necessary for travel.

Social control measures, suspension of production and other measures, etc., it is difficult to not be reminiscent of the control measures of China's officials during the crown disease epidemic situation.

The influenza popular emergency plan is not the first time.Many places target influenza flowThe trip has been issued, such as the Chengdu City Health Bureau issued a large popular emergency treatment plan (trial) in 2009; the Beijing Municipal Emergency Commission Office issued the Beijing Municipal Emergency Commission Office and the Beijing Municipal Preparation Plan and Emergency Plan; Shanghai Influenza in 2015The large pop emergency plan also states that when the influenza is more popular, compulsory control measures such as stopping work and suspension and restricting rally are taken.

However, China has only been relaxing the epidemic prevention policy for less than three months. This document that is extremely similar to the crown disease prevention and control not only triggers Chinese netizens to rebound, but also worried that the epidemic control measures will be outbreak due to the outbreak.Dongshan is again.

Netizens have criticized that the Xi'an government has "driven reversal", "sealing control", "addiction", and questioning whether the official is going to change the name.Some netizens said, "The responsible attitude is good, but excessive prevention and control is to cause panic, and respect for science is right."It is more concerned, and the Chinese people are anxious and nervous for the appearance of the Alius. It can be said that the sequelae of the crown disease epidemic situation.Compared with the outbreak of the crown disease at the beginning of this year, the actual popularity is still a small witch.

But some comments pointed out that the problem is here: Even if the infection of A flow is severe, the spread and toxicity cannot be compared with the crown disease.It is just like there are no other measures to stop work, stop work, stop classes, or even seal the city.This shows a variety of costs that the people have paid for the past three years -the passage of life and the loss of freedom of life -seem to be a blind eye or show a cold attitude.

The panic, anxiety, and anger of the people reflect that even if China's strict epidemic prevention policy has been fully exited, the people have not fully got out of the shadow.It can be cured.