Wang Huning, the new chairman of the Chinese CPPCC National Committee, proposed that it is necessary to unswervingly strive for peace and unity and promote cross -strait exchanges.Taiwan scholars analyzed that this means that the same is still the main axis of Beijing to Taiwan, and in order to promote and the unity, we must communicate and dialogue; however, anti -independence still has no bottom line of rotation space.

Wang Huning, who ranked fourth among the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, was elected chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference on Friday (March 10), and is expected to take over as the deputy team leader of the Central Committee of Taiwan.According to Xinhua News Agency, when he attended the review of the Taiwan National People's Congress on Thursday (March 9), he also made a request for Taiwan's work.

He said that it is necessary to fully implement the 20th spirit of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the "overall strategy of solving the Taiwan problem in the new era", adhere to a Chinese principle and 1992 consensus, and promote the development of cross -strait relations in the correct direction.

Wang Huning also proposed that it is necessary to unswervingly strive for peaceful and unified prospects, promote cross -strait exchanges, cooperation, integrate development, oppose Taiwan independence division and foreign interference, unite Taiwan compatriots to work with the national rejuvenation.Glory and great career.

Zhao Chunshan, an honorary professor at the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Relations of Taiwan Tamkang University, visited Lu as a senior consultant, as a senior consultant, as a senior consultant. During the period, Wang Huning was also met.He attended a symposium held by the International Research Center of the Politburo on March 10 and was interviewed by Lianhe Morning Post.

Scholars: Beijing's current stage focus on anti -external interference

Zhao Chunshan analysis, from the discussion of Wang Huning, can be seen that completing the great national rejuvenation of the nation is the ultimate goal of Beijing. In the process, it is necessary to complete the unity of cross -strait in a peaceful manner. ThereforeTaiwan independence and external interference.

As for the mainland in recent years, it has continuously emphasized that it is necessary to promote the unified and two -system Taiwan plan with all sectors of Taiwan. Zhao Chunshan believes that this is the process of promoting Taiwan in Taiwan, but the two sides of the strait still lack consensus.The communication dialogue is deemed to be formally negotiated.

In addition to exchanging and promoting uniform, Zhao Chunshan has studied and judged that Beijing will now focus on anti -external interference. "He (mainland) believes that there is no external force to intervene in Taiwan independence, and external force intervention will give Taiwan independence errors."

Chen Dosheng, a researcher at the National Congress of Political Science and Technology, also mentioned in the symposium that although Beijing has recently adopted a more flexible strategy of Taiwan, it has not loosened Taiwan Wu.

Chen Dosheng pointed out that according to his interviews, the mainland leaders mentioned in recent years when they met with Taiwanese dignitaries that if the mainland tolerate Taiwan independence becomes a fact, the CCP regime will collapse.Therefore, Chen Dosheng believes that this discussion shows that Beijing's determination to be unified has no room for virginity.Once it is determined and hopeless, you will take the Wu Tong means at the expense.

As for the time in Beijing's possible attack, the Taiwan Army retired Major General Hu Ruizhou was judged at the Seminar of the Communist Party of China on March 10th that 2049 was regarded as the last period for Beijing to reach a unified, but the mainland has no fixed time for martial arts.surface.

He believes that for the leadership of the Communist Party of China, it is a dynamic decision to have a established final deadline and based on the subjective factors of a specific time.Subjective and objective factors such as the possibility of Tong, the interpretation of the red line across the red line, and the measure of the battle and disadvantage of the war to win Taiwan will all affect Beijing's decision -making options and postpone martial arts in advance.