News World

Taiwanese soldiers stationed in Matsuya Islands screamed on the beach, which caused the outside world to question that the Taiwan army "had broken food before fighting."

The Taiwanese man who first arrived in Matsuya served on the beach on Kunqiu Beach, Xiya Island: "Don't be canned" "Malaysian Ministry of Defense (Matsu Defense Headquarters), the main cuisine is a rice"There are no meat in the room, and you can eat canned instant noodles when you are hungry. "Chen Yan, an Internet celebrity, who operated in the local area, will stay on the Internet, causing uproar from all walks of life.

In the past 20 years, Taiwan's garrison in the Golden Horse has decreased from 100,000 to 3,000, and the Matsu garrison has decreased from 20,000 to 2000, but the defense command still exists.Shi Mingde, the former chairman of the DPP, has always strongly advocated the classification of Kinmen and Matsu Islands as the "Peace District", criticizing the military to insist on leaving the Golden Horse, but cares about the official positions of the two major defense commands and the jurisdiction of the military region."Now even the meat is missing. Who can such an army defend?"

The party chairman Ke Wenzhe said that the three armed forces did not send, and the grain and grass would do first.The two lines of the beach have caused the military image to be severely frustrated. The Ministry of Defense could not even take care of the frontline brothers' three meals.

How long does the garrison have no meat eating?Netizens who claimed to be "Matsua Bing" posted a post, saying that the food supplements had not opened the ship for a month, and the islanders would not be able to support it. I hope that the military can dispatch the transport aircraft to transport supplies.This netizen described: "Matsu who breaks grain, (is the) abandoned island abandoned by the Ministry of National Defense."

The Malaysian Ministry of Defense explained that the military rental vessels have not been able to replenish Matsu many times due to poor marine and fault maintenance recently.There are limited supplies in the area of Luguang, and the supply of meat manufacturers is unstable. Therefore, the meat supply is insufficient on March 4th and 5th. Temporarily replaced by canned food. The remaining ingredients are sufficient.Later, the C-130 transport aircraft will continue to transport food to ensure the actual needs of officers and soldiers.

Matsu and Golden Gate are closer to mainland China. The recent points are only 9.25 kilometers and 1.8 kilometers, respectively, and 211 kilometers and 281 kilometers from Taiwan.During the period of the Kuomintang strong man, Chiang Kai -shek, he was stationed in the army during his administration.

The United States and the Kuomintang government concluded the common defense treaty of China and the United States in December 1954. They only promised to prevent Taiwan and Penghu, and Kinmen and Matsu were not included.In 1960, the US President Kennedy said that the Golden Horse was too close to mainland China, and it was not defensive in strategy. It was not indispensable for Taiwan's defense.The Taiwan Institute of National Defense and Security also pointed out in 2020 that Penghu is an important barrier to the PLA landing in Taiwan's island, and its strategic position surpasses Kinmen and Matsu.Once Penghu is lost, Taiwan's island will face the dilemma of no danger.

Soldiers could not eat meat, they called Matsu as "the abandoned island abandoned by the Ministry of National Defense", revealing the grievances that were not valued, but Matsu was about 14,000 people's recent days.Because there are no eggs and chicken farms in the local area, residents have experienced more serious egg lack of eggs than this island.The Taiwan Agricultural Committee was saved 20,000 eggs on Tuesday (March 7) to Matsu, and 8,000 eggs in Nangan Township were snatched in 30 minutes.

For more than 20 days of suspension of freight logistics vessels, some catering homestays in Mazu Yingguang Township have been suspended due to the shortage of ingredients.Two submarine cables have been broken by mainland vessels at the same time in the past month. Matsu residents have lived without a network from February 8th to March 6th.

The Taiwan National Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng publicly apologized on March 6, and promised that there would be no similar situation.

The Golden Horse Defense Line has long changed from the "spiritual pillar" of the mainland era more than 60 years ago to "tasteless chicken ribs". I am afraid that a promise may not change the reality, and it cannot make up for this incident to fight morale and the image of the army image.