中国星期天(3月5日)公布的政府The work report sets the total domestic product (GDP) growth target at about 5%, and has proposed for the first time to prevent housing companies from "disorderly expansion".Sheng Songcheng, director of the Department of Investigation of the People's Bank of China, said that this year, it is expected to become a year of turning in a soft landing in the Chinese real estate market, but China will no longer significantly drive economic growth through real estate.

Sheng Songcheng, a professor at the Central Academy of International Business and Industry of China, said in a written interview with Bloomberg News Sunday that the first mention of preventing housing companies from "disorderly expansion" is not only to resolve the risk of housing companies, but also to help the head of the head.Housing companies take the lead in transforming and establishing an industry model.With the improvement of the economic environment, the real estate market will gradually stabilize this year.

Sheng Songcheng pointed out that the role of real estate on economic development has been transformed from the past to not dragging down.From the current policy expression, it is the first step to break the business model of "high leverage, high debt, and high turnover".At this stage, it is the second step to help resolve the risk of high -quality housing companies and maintain market stability. In the future, it is the third step by guiding housing companies to get rid of a single development and sales model and diversified development.

China Evergrande and other real estate companies have formed a debt crisis for many years. By last year, risks have been transmitted to the entire real estate industry and even financial systems.After the Chinese decision -making level has used three red lines and other policies to force the foam in the past few years, as the risk is continuously released, it is marked by the 16 articles of financial support for real estate last year. The policy direction has gradually shifted to seeking balance between stable growth and risks.

According to the preliminary data of Ke Rui Real Estate, China's top 100 real estate companies in February increased by 14.9%year -on -year.This is the first year -on -year growth of the year -on -year record since June 2021, and the property market has shown signs of stability.Sheng Songcheng said that seizing the current development window period, actively resolving risks, and promoting the transformation of the new development model should be the main theme of the real estate industry development in 2023.

China's economic growth target this year is set on the lower edge of the more optimistic market in the near future. Previously, economists were mostly expected to set up the GDP growth target of this year to more than 5%.Last year, due to the multiple episodes and the weak real estate market, China only achieved 3%economic growth, and wrote the second low growth rate since the 1970s.

Sheng Songcheng pointed out that if the economic growth goal proposed by the provinces at the beginningIn the expected goal, about 5%of GDP is a more cautious, pragmatic and room for room.

Sheng Songcheng said: "In the absence of accidents, it is a high probability event to achieve about 5%or even slightly higher GDP growth rate."The coordination between many goals such as risks and economic development and quality and efficiency, and also considers the uncertainty that may face in the economic recovery path this year, and reflects the total generally found good foundation for the long -term healthy development of the economy.keynote.

He also believes that after three years of epidemic, economic recovery will be a gradual process.In the process of economic recovery, China always attaches great importance to price increases, because China still has a large number of low -income groups, and they are very sensitive to price changes.If the economic growth rate is too high, it may not be conducive to achieving the price target of about 3%this year.