Li Chunlin, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission of China, said that consumption has been accelerated to recover since the beginning of the year, and consumption can become China this year."> Economic Growth The main driving force.

Li Chun's press conference held at the news office of the State Council in the morning at the News Office of the State Council in response to Lianhe Zaobao's question about the current consumption situation in China, the final consumption is the persistent momentum of economic growth.Generally speaking, the Chinese consumer market has shown a rapid recovery trend, the population flow between regions has become more frequent, cross -provincial travel and tourism have improved significantly. The catering, culture, entertainment and other industries have quickly recovered, superimposed on the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival."Open the door".

Li Chunlin takes a series of data as an example to indicate that consumption has accelerated recovery since the beginning of the year, and emphasized that some uncertain factors that restrict consumption release are gradually eliminated.He said that with the rapid release of consumption potential, the growth rate of major indicators in the consumption field in the first half of the year is expected to gradually rise."Looking forward to the whole year, consumption can become the main driving force for economic growth, and better play the basic role of economic growth. This is a prediction of this year's consumption situation."

Li Chunlin also said that in order to promote to promoteThe continuous recovery and expansion of consumption will do four aspects of work, including: first, multiple measures to promote the steady growth of consumption; the other is to enhance the consumption capacity of residents; the third is to improve the consumption environment; the fourth is to cultivate new consumption growth points.

Li Chunlin finally said: "There are many policy tools in our policy tool box to deal with the unfavorable factors of restricting consumption. We have confidence and capable of ensuring that consumer measures are implemented this year.As soon as possible, consumption has made greater contributions. "

Reuters earlier reported that due to the slowdown in global demand, it has impacted China's trade exports, so it has quickly restored consumer demand to China's economic recovery this year's economic recovery.important.