The upcoming Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang, at the opening meeting of the National People's Congress, read the last government work report at the opening meeting of the National People's Congress, and announced the high -profile target of 2023 economic growth.This goal is lower than the official growth target set by about 5.5 % last year.

In the first year of China's out of the epidemic, the annual economic growth target was carefully set at about 5 %, and the low -end within the expected range of the outside world showed that it was severely damaged in the three -year epidemic and the western countries.Dare to underestimate the internal and external challenges facing.

The upcoming Chinese Prime Minister Li Keqiang on Sunday (March 5) at National People's Congress The last government work report, and announced the high -profile economic growth goal of 2023.

This goal is lower than the 5.5 % growth goal set by last year. It is also the lowest target set by the Chinese government since 2020 in 2020.

Affected by the rebound in many places, weak domestic demand, and downside in the real estate market, the Chinese economy finally achieved only 3 % growth last year.However, since the end of last year's loosening policies, China's business activities have quickly recovered, and data such as the manufacturing procurement manager index rebounded.

The International Monetary Fund has raised China's economic growth to 5.2 % at the end of January. Many international investment banks even made more than 5.5 % of China's economic growth this year by optimistic forecasts.

Lu Ziyi, a senior economist of Oxford Economic Research Institute, interpreted that Li Keqiang's reported wording shows that the Chinese government believes that the re -opening of the driving force for growth may only be temporary.Target".

Li Keqiang: To be soberly realized that the current development is facing many difficulties

Zhang Zhizhong, Dean of the School of Humanities and Socials, Taiwan Kainan University, also judged in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: "The growth rate of about 5 % is conservative, but there is a conservative basis.And the continuous decline of US -China relations will continue to be pessimistic in the future. "

Li Keqiang made a calm assessment of the problems facing China in the report, emphasizing that it was necessary to soberly recognize that the current development faces many difficulties and challenges.The report pointed out: "The uncertainty of the external environment is increasing, the global inflation is still high, the global economic and trade growth momentum has weakened, and the external targets are constantly increasing."

China is positively stressed to the United States -led science and technology and politics, and the situation in the Taiwan Strait has also worried Beijing.

For this reason, China's increase in defense expenditure increased by 7.2 % year -on -year for the third consecutive year; the increase in diplomatic expenditures also raised from 2.4 % last year to 12.2 %.

In terms of internal problems, Li Keqiang admits that insufficient domestic demand is still highlighting contradictions. Private investment and private enterprises expect unstable, the task of stabilizing employment is arduous, and the ability to innovate scientific and technological innovation is not strong.

He also criticized the formalism and bureaucracy of government agencies. "Some local policies implement 'one -size -fits -all' and layer by layer.The wishes of the masses, ignoring the legitimate rights and interests of the masses. "

China will set up a new government after this meeting.Li Qiang, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China, is expected to take over Li Keqiang and become the head of the new Chinese government.

Scholars believe that setting a more cautious growth goal can leave room for the new government.Zhang Zhizhong said that if the growth goal is too high, the Liqiang government may be passive due to insufficient performance.

Li Keqiang's government work report has summarized the government's achievements in the past five years with more than 80 %, and only briefly put forward a brief suggestion for the new government work.

Prime Minister Li Keqiang's career painting has created a plain economic image over the past 10 years

He said that this year, we must highlight the work of stable growth, employment, and stable prices, promote the overall improvement of economic operation, focus on expanding domestic demand, encourage the support of the private economy development, "use the real strategy to boost market confidence", andAttract and use foreign capital with greater efforts.

After Li Keqiang served as the Chinese Prime Minister in 2013, he created a plain, grounded, and attached importance to the market economy.He pushes policies such as simplifying administration, stimulating market vitality, and improving people's livelihood.However, the CCP has strengthened the party's comprehensive leadership in recent years, and the government's influence on decision -making has weakened.

Li Keqiang read the last government work report in his tenure on Sunday in peace and tone, without showing his special feelings.After the report of about 53 minutes, he bowed to the audience and the podium once in the applause, bowed to the whole audience again, and described the 10 -year prime minister's career.

(Reporter is a special agent in Beijing)