The "Chinese Spy Balloon" incident was rapidly fermented. After the United States announced that State Secretary of State Brillin delayed its visit to China, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated on Saturday (February 4) that the airship belonged to the civilian nature of the airship, used for meteorological research, and emphasized "This is an unexpected situation caused by an irresistible "and expressed" regret "the incident.

Brinken was originally scheduled to start a two -day visit to China on Sunday (February 5).According to the Financial Times, Brinken originally expected to meet with Chinese President Xi Jinping, becoming the first US Secretary of State, the first to meet with China's top leader in the past six years.

However, the media such as Reuters, Bloomberg and other media began to report on Thursday (February 2nd) that suspected that there was a Chinese "spy balloon" flying over the United States for several days, and the United States tracked it.

The incident quickly heated up, and the US State Department issued a press release from Wang Yi, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the director of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee of the Politburo of the Politburo of the CPC on Friday (February 3).The visit to China and said that the balloon incident was an "irresponsible" behavior, "obviously violated US sovereignty and international law."

Chinese official media Xinhua News Agency on Saturday (February 4) released a reporter from a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, in response to the news of the balloon incident and the delay of visiting China.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that the airship is a civilian nature and is used for scientific research such as meteorology.Affected by the western band and limited control capabilities, the airship is seriously deviated from the scheduled route.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China emphasized: "This is an accident caused by force majeure. The facts are very clear. China has always strictly abranged international law, respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of various countries.Here. "

The balloon incident caused public opinion in the United States. The new US House President McCarthy, the former President Trump, and the former Secretary of State Pompeo urged the Bayeng government to take the balloon incident.A tough attitude and criticizing the Bayeon government to show weakness to China; urging Brinken to cancel the visit to China.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China criticized that "some American politicians and media played on topics and discredited China for attacks." China "resolutely opposed it."

Xinhua News Agency also issued a press release of Wang Yi and Brinken, saying that the two sides communicated the occasional incident on how to deal with the incidents in a calm and professional attitude.

Wang Yi emphasized that China is a responsible country and has always strictly abide by international law.

He appealed that in the face of "unexpected situations", what the two sides should do to maintain a certain force, communicate in time, avoid misjudgment, and manage differences.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a mild signal to the Bayeng government, saying that "the United States posted the news that the news was the United States's own, and we respected";It will continue to communicate with the United States and properly handle the accidents caused by force majeure.

The balloon incident also triggered discussions between Chinese netizens. On Saturday afternoon, "neither China and the United States have announced any visit" appeared on the Weibo hot search list."Bollingin visited China.As of 3 pm, major official media such as the Global Times and People's Daily did not comment on the incident.

AFP reported on Saturday that the Pentagon found another "Chinese spy balloon" in Latin America on Friday, but did not reveal the specific location of the balloon.The first balloon discovered in the United States had flying east and entered the central United States.