Disappear for more than three months of missing China Lead Mountain, Jiangxi Province, China Jiangxi ProvinceHu Xinyu's body of the 15 -year -old life of the county finally found.However, the latest progress in this missing case not only did not reveal the truth, but made the case more confusing.

Hu Xinyu attracted great attention after disappearing in mid -October last year.After several months of carpet search, his remains were found in the forest where his last appeared and the school was tens of meters away.This made many Chinese people feel strange, and all kinds of questions followed.

The case of the missing case of Hu Xinyu

Hu Xinyu's bizarre missing case must be said from October 14 last year.

On the same day, Hu Xinyu did not go directly to class as usual after dinner.The surveillance video showed that Hu Xinyu went to Yiyuan after about 5.50 pm, and greeted his classmates in the dormitory and basketball court.After leaving the video monitoring range in the direction of Yiyuan, his trajectory did not appear again.

At 6:20 pm, the teacher found that Hu Xinyu disappeared in the evening class and immediately reported the principal.Teachers and students have searched several times in school. There are no shadows of Hu Xinyu by teaching buildings, forests, and ponds.

The next day, the school and family members went to the Public Security Bureau to call the police.Police, family members and civil organizations subsequently launched a large -scale investigation and search operation.

The investigation found that Hu Xinyu did not take away his mobile phone, ID card, cash, and only had one recording pen with him.At that time, public opinion believed that China still strictly implemented epidemic control in mid -October last year. Hu Xinyu had no health code and ID card, and it was impossible to go far.

The school once doubted that Hu Xinyu may fall into the septic tank or lake in the school.The rescue team did not let go of any clues, searched the school's septic tank, and took over the artificial lake, but still could not find him.

The enthusiastic people from all parties also spontaneously organized in early November, trying to find Hu Xinyu's whereabouts through different channels.Some relatives buy drones and searches along the route that Hu Xinyu may pass through; some people are working hard through 3D search and thermal imaging as searching for search; a Yunnan civil rescue team with search and rescue dogs has also participated in the search, but in the endFinding unsuccessful.

On November 20 last year, the official also established a joint work special class consisting of a three -level public security organs of the province, city, and county.

The Shangrao police handed over a series of long investigation data on January 7 this year, saying that the official searched for 589 acres of mountains and about 200 kilometers of rivers;226 faculty and 159 enterprises; the 72 ponds were investigated, three reservoirs were explored using Sonar, 6471 hours of monitoring videos, more than 310,000 traffic bayonet capture photos, etc.

The final conclusion was that no evidence of Hu Xinyu's victims, suicide, and accidents in the school eliminated the possibility of crimes in the school, and existing information pointed to Hu Xinyu to leave school by himself.

Monitoring cannot play a role. Police said that Hu Xinyu may have learning.

Zhiyuan Middle School that Hu Xinyu attended was a closed management school. The entire school was equipped with 119 monitoring cameras.

Unfortunately, from the short 100 meters from the dormitory building to the teaching building, Hu Xinyu has no monitoring coverage of about 10 meters, and Hu Xinyu disappears from here.

Hu Xinyu's family did not accept such a coincidence, questioning the school's surveillance video was cut, and pointed out that the monitoring signal had an interruption once.

In order to eliminate the doubts of the family members of the monitoring passive, the police asked Zhiyuan Middle School to monitor the manufacturer Hai Kangwei to the school to check the relevant equipment on November 23 last year.

However, it has been more than a month before Hu Xinyu's disappearance.Hikvision staff said that when the technicians arrived in school, the monitoring screen no longer existed.As for whether Hu Xinyu's video of the day was automatically covered, or someone deliberately deleted it, the company could not give the appraisal conclusion.

Hikvision also said that the company's technical personnel have a limited degree of participation in the case.The staff looked at the six equipment in the school according to the police's requirements.

Hikvision also said: "Hikvision is not an appraisal agency, and does not provide an appraisal conclusion. The company's technicians conducted inspections, records and feedback on the physical state and logs of the equipment according to the requirements of the client party.It does not involve evaluation of the scope of monitoring, video content and integrity of six equipment. "

In other words, Hikvision's attitude towards Zhiyuan Middle School has not made it, and has not made it.Whether the video is deleted for appraisal conclusion.This is different from the police's statement, and it also makes the question of whether the video surveillance in the school is passive than the problem.

The Shangrao Public Security Bureau issued a notice issued in early January that official video technical experts conducted experiments and repeated arguments to determine that video surveillance in the school was not artificially deleted and closed.As for whether this "video technology expert" includes Hisan Weisan, and how they "experiment and repeated arguments", to determine the monitoring of unprepared hands and feet, and the official did not explain.

The police also told Hu Xinyu's family in early January that he might have a bad school and run away.According to the police, this is a conclusion that they visited the surrounding people of Hu Xinyu, including teachers, relatives and friends, etc., and after forming a transcript of tens of thousands of words.

The police also said that Hu Xinyu's multi -disciplined test results were in the middle and lower rankings. He told teachers and classmates to study hard, stressful pressure, difficulty in concentration.EssenceHe has written insomnia, loss, and wanting to go home in books and notebooks many times.

In September last year, Hu Xinyu had a total of 43 minutes with his mother three times, crying and not wanting to read and wanting to go home. When he was chatting with his classmates before eleven, he also discussed that he could go from the corner of the Park Wall and went out of school.Essence

For these claims, Hu Xinyu's family members said it was difficult to accept, and said that the official lack of strong evidence to support him because he was tired of learning.

After being found, the suspicion of Hu Xinyu's body

The case finally appeared at the end of January this year.The Shangrao Public Security Bureau reported on Sunday (January 29) that the Public Security Bureau of Liaoshan County received a public alarm on January 28 and found a corpse in the woods of the Jinji Mountain area.The deceased was consistent with Hu Xinyu's disappearance.The DNA test is determined that the deceased is Hu Xinyu.

The report said that a recording pen was found during the on -site investigation and a professional agency was sent to identify it.The official commitment will be announced to the society in a timely manner.The public security organs have also invited domestic authoritative criminal technical experts to the scene to participate in the inspection.

This notification of less than 300 words confirmed some key news, but the various questions involved also made Chinese social media boil.A number of related entries on the case have been on the high searches on the Weibo Search List. The main entry reads nearly 2 billion times and discussed more than 100,000.

Among them, Hu Xinyu's dress has aroused widespread public opinion.Hu Xinyu was autumn when he disappeared, and he was still wearing the clothes on the day of missing day when he was found, which means that he has not replaced a warmer winter dress in the past few months.Some netizens questioned that the place where Hu Xinyu was discovered may not be at the scene of the first case, and his death was still a mystery.

Because Hu Xinyu's body was discovered only a few tens of meters away from the school, many netizens puzzled how Hu Xinyu avoided so many monitoring and left the school.

The most doubtful thing is that before the large -scale carpet search, why did not find the body?

The agent lawyer of Hu Xinyu's family, Zheng Xiaoying, said that the family members were very sad and sad, but had decided to check the body and look forward to checking the truth.She also said that it is impossible to estimate how long the autopsy report will take to conclude.

In response to why the body was not found before searching, Zheng Xiaojing said that although the answer could not be given, as a lawyer, she believed that the corpse itself was "talking".What is left, "the truth is likely to be hidden in the recording pen."

The content of Hu Xinyu's recording pen has attracted much attention.According to the Dahe Daily, a source said on Monday (January 30) that the recording pen was identified in a professional organization in Guangdong and the analysis results were "the results can be produced today."Sources said whether the content is suitable for publishing and whether the police will be announced, and it is uncertain.

Family claimed that the body was found in the grain depot

According to the China Business Daily Dafeng News report, on Monday morning, a number of police cars and a excavator drove near Jinji Mountain, far away from the far away, far from far away from the Jinji Mountain.A grain depot was surrounded by a cordon not far from middle school.

Hu Xinyu's family confirmed that Hu Xinyu was hung with a shoe lace on a grain storage warehouse on Jinji Mountain.When the family came to the scene to see the body, Hu Xinyu was hung on the tree near the wall of the grain depot. Hu Xinyu was wearing only one school uniform, which was worn back and forth. The remains have been rotten.It is Hu Xinyu.

Although the information provided by the family members is a bit different from the official notification, the well -known forensic medical Hu Zhiqiang believes that the public security organs' notification is accurate.

He said, "In any case, it has not been discovered for more than 100 days in the granary. This should be a major omissions, because the surrounding houses and open places should be found.It is also necessary to consider where he might live. This granary is obviously a search goal. "

As for Hu Xinyu's suicide or him, Hu Zhiqiang, a Chinese criminal investigation expert, pointed out that the police report" 缢 hanging "oneWords only represent the way to cause death, and cannot judge whether Hu Xinyu suicide (ie, self -proclaim) or he kills (that is, he).

Hu Zhiqiang said that the corpse suspension of the forest is very large. If the police dog search is already in this state, it should be discovered.He analyzed that the corpse's lifting state will not last long, and it may only appear recently.

Hu Xi, the former editor -in -chief of the Global Times, also posted a Weibo on Sunday that the entire process of the Hu Xinyu case was full of "the mystery and chaos", and said that the local police's handling of the case was not strong enough.

Hu Xijin said that if Hu Xinyu was killed less than 100 meters away from the school, it means that there is huge loopholes in the previous search work, which leads to the huge public opinion and damage to the credibility of the local government.It is unacceptable at the working level.

"If the site of the hanging scene is not the first place, Hu Xinyu's body was moved by someone, that is, a criminal case. Previously, the local police said that there was no sign of his killing, so he was not criminal.It can't be said to be able to make a case. "

The" People's Daily Review "under the China Official Media and People's Daily also published a comment article, emphasizing what the public is doubting, which is what the relevant departments want to answer.The article pointed out that the Hu Xinyu incident cannot be faked. If there is a slight difference, the consequences are unimaginable.

The Chengdu Business Daily Red Star News special commentator also said that the answers to these questions are "the most basic respect for life."

Hu Xinyu's case is not a simple case of missing population.As the case enters the stage of "looking for the truth" from the "finding people" stage, the public's doubts and doubts need to be answered and responded. Only by using complete evidence chain to restore the truth can we avoid unnecessary guessing and the spread of false news.Not only does it explain to the family members of the deceased, but also repair the credibility of damage.