Ren Zepinghe Ren Zepinghe, the vice president of the China Private Economic Research Association, was scolded by Sima Nan, a web celebrity who was regarded as a leftist V, on Weibo.The posting power Ren Zeping said that in the matter for the private economy, "we have already been with the tadpoles as well as water and fire."He also said that during the confrontation, he took off his suit and learned to speak naked. He dirty his hand, picked up the dung, and threw it out.

Wu Xiaobo said in the text that in the past two days, everyone was on vacation. Ren Zeping suddenly bombarded the "Sima chuck" in Hainan, and became a private enterprise's authentic name and shouting.Wu Xiaobo, who was on vacation in Xiantan Village, Mogan Mountain, said that he couldn't help but help Ren Zeping.

Wu Xiaobo said that Chinese intellectuals have always been "self -cherishing feathers" and like to shake the fan to talk about the scriptures in a comfortable place outside the arrow.This kind of smelly problem that is afraid of death is also the reason for the past for a period of time.

Whether in the academic or business circles, when it comes to sandwiches or disks, everyone shakes their heads and treats them as a bad joke.But rare people are willing to or dare to rush to the front line and fight against them.This consequence is that at a considerable level of the public, entrepreneurs have become "capitalists", and people have made great misunderstandings and misunderstandings about the private economy.The end result of confidence is the investment and recovery of China's economy.

Wu Xiaobo pointed out that the issues used by the sandwiches to attack the private economy are mainly concentrated in two aspects: one is the stigma of the Internet platform, and the other is the property rights of Lenovo and other companies in the beginning of the century at the beginning of this century.Clear question.These two issues are not unable to discuss publicly, and even in the academic circles and relevant government departments have always been key research issues.However, because of the "decent people" -including the weakness and self -reliance, including themselves, in the past period, the atmosphere of public opinion was formed.

Wu Xiaobo also mentioned that at the beginning of last year, Ren Zeping was very emotional when he was stunned by the Internet for liberalizing the initiative of fertility.He advised that when someone came to smash the glass, you couldn't wear a suit and tie to arise with him."When someone threw the big dung on us, we had to apply the big dung on our face, and then threw the courage to throw it back." This time, Ren Zeping did it.

Wu Xiaobo bluntly stated, "In the matter for the private economy, we have already been as fire and fire with the hoees, and the confrontation will continue.. "This time the shirtless fighting is not to persuade the sandwiches, or even to drive them out of the public opinion field. What everyone can do is to speak out their opinions loudly.During the confrontation, I took off my suit and learned to speak naked. I dirty my hand, picked up the dung, and threw it out.

Wu Xiaobo finally said: "Our bravery is just for the healthy development of the country's industrial economy, for the great publicity of the market economy in China, for the recovery of the confidence of private entrepreneurs, or for the future to remember the past in the pastAt that time, I did not regret patting my breasts- "Lao Tzu also had a temper that year."

Ren Zeping posted on Weibo on January 18 stating: "Some people say that China wants to engage in the planned economy.possible."Ren Zeping posted again on January 20, saying that there is a way to boost the confidence of the private economy. The main ways of voices from all walks of life are the most of them.The bad guys are managed.

Ren Zeping's statement was interpreted by the outside world suspected to be targeted at Sima Nan. Sima Nan had made remarks similar to "private enterprise withdrawal".For the Ming people, alert Ren Zeping's article revealed that "Ren Zeping recently requested to block different sounds with a particularly high door adjustment and particularly high frequency."The article said," Obviously representing certain interest groups, but likes to express actual appeal with the name of 'people' "," never recognize the achievements of the planned economy era. "

Among them, Sima Nan pointed out that Ren Zeping was a pseudo -economist; Ren Zeping criticized Sima Nan as "bad guys."P>